Construction Zone

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A RolePlay Log by
Calira D'Narvose


Construction zone


2015 June 26

IC Date

2537 Jan 20


Landing Pad - Renegade Outfitters - Alexandria



Hard hats aren't just for construction zones, sometimes the things being built don't require nails and hammers but ideas and dedication.

          The relatively thin soil has been scraped down to the base rock, the landing pad is solid granite giving a solid footing for the largest ships. The area has been surrounded with a wall of concrete finished to look like stonework and topped by red tiles, giving it a definite Chinese look. There are two large double solid wood, red gates, one leading out of the estate and another into the main gardens and the living areas. On each side of both gates stands a Guardian Lion called by many Foo Dogs. Along the dividing wall between the pad and the rest of the estate are the offices, warehouses, and a garage. In front of the office is a pavilion built with cedar posts, the pitched roof covered with red tile and each of the corners turning up in the Chinese manner. There are a couple of cedar tables with benches in its protection.

          The pad is a busy place with workers moving about servicing the cargoes and security keeping an eye on the safety of the visiting ships and the establishment itself. At night the place is brilliantly lit from all angles, washing away the shadows and making work easier and safer.

          Ships coming in can get an idea of the place as a whole. It is situated on a high outcrop on the banks of the Washington River. The house looks a two story affair of stone and red tile, the second story stepped back in a pagoda fashion. Several other buildings can be seen in the extensive gardens but probably cannot be identified at a glance.

                    OOC Note: This landing pad is the private property of Shenjing Industries. At all times of day and night there are many highly trained NPC guards patrolling this area. If you are a stranger, the guards will not permit entry to the estate itself and they will approach for identification purposes. Please keep this in mind when roleplaying here.

          Renegade Outfitters, once known as Shenjing Industries, is a flurry of activity at this point in time. Construction workers are tending to some minor work and some rennovations, while technicians are going around the property and installing various security devices at set points. Meanwhile, other staff are lugging in crates of supplies and the like, carrying them off to the various buildings to the south and east. For his part, Salin's standing off to one side, a datapad held in one hand, conversing with what's probably the construction foreman. <English>

          Carrying a heavy jacket draped over one arm, Calira nods at the various construction workers and busy bees that she passes and works her way toward Salin while studying the hive of activity. She waits while he speaks to the hard hat wearing expert, resisting the twitchy instinct to snag a hammer and hard hat of her own to help out. <English>

          Whether it was intentional or not, shortly after Calira arrives Salin is passing the datapad back over to the foreman, giving a little nod and a quick, "Good enough. Make it happen." When the foreman departs with a nod, he's then turning his attention over in the direction of Cal, a smile hinting to his lips as he extends a hand towards her, "Welcome to Alexandria, Cal. It's good to see you." <English>

          There's a quick chuckle from Salin as he offers an incline of his head in her direction after the handshake, "I'm sure they wouldn't complain if you joined in, Cal." There's a grin after that, followed by, "Thanks. Retirement's been agreeing with me. Same could be said for you. How are things, anyways?" <English>

          "Same as always. Brief fits of activity and tension followed by long stretches of acute boredom," Calira returns with a chuckle. "What's your plan for this space?" she wonders while twisting slightly and eyeing the progress of the security measures. "Putting your own security personnel in place or acquiring contractors?" <English>

          "I admit to knowing that feeling rather well," offers Salin with another chuckle before his gaze shifts about the area before settling back on her, "My own private security. Going to be using this place as one of the production facilities for Starke Industries. Far enough out of the way to discourge random Alliance patrols and the like." <English>

          "Very few things will really, long term, discourage random Alliance patrols. But this is a wise security measure all the same," Calira muses, sweeping a long look around again. "So are you planning to use your production line to outfit recruits?" she wonders, curiosity frank in her tone of voice. <English>

          That statement draws a smirk to Salin's lips and another bob of his head, "True enough. Which is why I've got facilities setup on a few worlds. That way if one is lost, doesn't actually interrupt things too much." The mention of new recruits draws another nod, "I am. Working on a prototype specifically for them. Should have something in place in a couple of weeks." <English>

          "You have a measure in mind how to filter out spies from your security personnel or the new recruits?" Calira wonders, her voice pitched quieter but in the same amiable tone of voice. "We'll need actual training facilities as well, at some point, if we plan to field a real force in any amount of serious numbers. The Romani fighting force has it's own training facilities, but I'm not personally aware of whether or not something is already in the pipeline." <English>

          "Background checks, polygraphs, interviews, far better pay then the Alliance offers. The usual measures. But most of my security personnel have been with me for going on a decade now, so I've got a measure of trust in them." That's offered as Salin lifts his arms to cross them over his chest, "There's facilities at our main base for training recruits, off of the barracks. It can be expanded, as needed, as well." A half pause is taken, before he's offering, "The topic of a fighting force is something that I actually wanted to discuss with you, though on a much higher level." <English>

          "Some training to make sure each fielded element works in tandem will be good," Calira agrees with a slow, measured, nod. "It's one thing to hoist the main sail and have all freedom fighters descend. But, lacking a coherent chain of command, there's a certain, reasonable, risk that one element may not communicate with another and we lose tactical cohesion when it would matter the most." This said she arches one eyebrow slightly, "Oh?" <English>

          Salin's giving a chuckle as he uncrosses his arms so that he can lift a hand and tap a fingertip against his temple, "We're thinking on the same wave length, to a degree, it would seem." There's a grin as he lowers his hand and with a nod of his head, he's offering, "I totally agree that it's time for there to be a coherent chain of command. We've started building it at the top and it's working its way down now. We loved your proposal that you sent through awhile back, which is why we want to establish a Department of Justice. An area that holds everyone accountable, from the top down. We also want the operating 'military' to fall under that particular department, for the time being, so that there's a clear judicial oversight that's happening." There's just a touch of a pause, enough for a smile, before he continues with, "And we were wondering if you wanted the position. You have both the military experience and knowledge, along with the balls to smack someone if they are doing something that falls outside of the legal and moral lines." <English>

          "Part of the joys of being a woman in the all boys club is not having the testosterone in my system to actually be poisoning my train of thought," Calira notes with a chuckle. "I'm interested, that much I can say right off the bat. How do you envision the scope of the position to actually work in day to day, actionable activity?" <English>

          "Fuck that, Cal. I'm sure you have /far/ more testosterone in your system then half the men I've come across." There's a quick grin given after that statement before Salin shakes his head, "Obviously, at this time, it's far less of a desk job then it normally would be. We're all pretty much hands on. The Department is going to have to be built from the ground up. We need a 'constitution' in place, so to speak, so that people can be held accountable for their actions. We need to be able to show everyone in the 'verse that we're actually serious about freedom and about democracy." <English>

          Calira laughs, that quiet chuckle again, "Only because I spent more than half my life living and working with men and being one of the guys, not just the Woman who happened to be assigned to the team as some sort of integration initiative," she remarks with a shrug. "I'm glad that you liked the ideas that I put together, though. I felt then, as I do now, that we need to start putting our actual intentions in writing so that we have something for people to read, to discuss, to consider, to debate really. If we don't put it in writing, Salin, it didn't happen." <English>

          Salin's joining that chuckle with one of his own before it fades as he gives a nod, "I did like and I couldn't agree more with you points. But not only do we need something in writing, we need to show that we're holding our own accountable. We can't very well win the public opinion if we're as corruptable as the Alliance and sitting back while it happens. It's why you're going to be joining that all boys club, if you accept. I want fairness, along with freedom. And when we can actually sit back without worry of attacks from the Alliance, I want to see the very first set of elections happen." <English>

          Calira draws a thoughtful breath before tilting her head subtly to the side and fixes a level gaze upon Salin. "I need to know, then, what your intentions are for this movement, Salin. I think you want to be king. And I'm not able to freely and fully support this cause, this freedom fight, if in the end we're going to have to do something abrupt about any monarchy leanings. A government system based on any measure of feudal leanings doesn't work. Nor does one of one person one vote work all the time. We have to find a way to integrate real life real time real people into all elements of this movement and, hopefully, into all elements of the end result if we win. Which has to mean free elections and anyone who's qualified can put their hat into the ring and stand for election." <English>

          The mention of wanting to be king draws a laugh from Salin and it's followed almost immediately by a shake of his head, "King? Hardly. I want to go sit on some back world planet, with my feet up, knowing that I've made a difference, Cal." Lifting his arms, he's once again crossing them over his chest, "I had the means, finances and resources to put this together, which is how I'm at, where I am, at the moment. But that aside, the last thing I want to see is /any/ notion of feudal leanings within this government. I don't want to see any person being denied the opportunity for a position, because they weren't born into the right family. And I fully support free elections. People should be able to run based on who they are and how they campaign and I'm looking forward to the day that I can walk up and vote for our very first leader." <English>

          Calira exhales a breath that is part relief and part tension dissipating. "Good. Because the one thing I did not want to do was win this thing and then have to fight you to the death over what freedom really means when all the dust settles. You're the only member of this movement with the political acumen to actually try for the King position. And I think I'm the only one who's a bitch enough to oppose you if it came to that. I respect you Salin, but I won't kneel to another King or punitive leader. Just like I won't take orders from children anymore, no matter how well connected they are. It's freedom, for everyone. All life matters, or none matter. It's an all or nothing equation, and the only kind that matters. We have to treat every life in this movement as precious, we can't just toss numbers at a problem, numbers in the form of real people, and keep going because reinforcements will be dropped off. We have to make the Alliance play from that end of the board." <English>

          "Cal, if I wanted to be King, the last thing I'd do is line the top end of the Movement with people would oppose such a thing." A wink is shadowed to her, followed by another chuckle from Salin, "When the dust is settled, I don't even intend to run for public office of any sort. I'll sit back and manage my businesses and continue to setup hospitals and charities and the like. Hell, I'm rather happy to have had my titles and nobility stripped away." He does give a pause there, only to give another nod, "And I do agree with you, whole heartedly. The Movement isn't a numbers game for me. Never has been. We've got .. hidden resource that would /seriously/ put in a dent in Osiris and probably send the Alliance running, even temporarily, from orbit. But the cost would be too great." <English>

          "Frankly, I'm being, at least publicly, well behaved, title wise, until we have this constitution ready to go. I want to be able to walk it into the Parliament house, surrounded by reporters, and lay it in public view. After that, they can /try/ to arrest me," Calira remarks with a quiet chuckle. "I say 'Try' because I have no inclination to go meekly to a jail cell or anything else. I don't deal well with being in small or confined spaces." This said, she gives Salin a curious look, "Hidden resources hm? Who is the over all battle commander," she follows one question with the other. "If there isn't a genuine battle plan, we're all just swinging wildly without a concentrated effort, which means we're wasting motion with each breath." <English>

          "That'll be quite the sight to see. Unfortunately, they went and stripped mine away. I got word of it through the grapevine from a few contacts that are still friendly, within the Alliance." A little grin is given, followed by another nod from Salin, "They'd have a hard time arresting you over such a thing, especially in a public setting. But, wouldn't linger too long after you deliver it." The mention of a battle commander draws a shake of his head, "Offically? No one. I've been managing plans for anything that we've done up. But this goes back to the whole notion of establishing a structure an getting people in place to do these things. We've gone beyond the point of being able to all operate independently." <English>

          "A lady always knows when to leave," Calira notes before giving another of those quiet chuckles. "I've already roughed out a strategic withdrawal plan for removing my people from Londinium in advance, when the time comes. I plan to legally adopt someone as my heir, anyway, and it is my hope that if I withdraw from Londinium, that he and his wife may have enough political influence to keep at least the house and land safe even when they strip away my title. I don't give a damn about the title, I've never been comfortable with it. I have, however, spent years renovating and recovering the house itself, I'll be damned if I see it burned to the ground now." She moves her shoulders in a small shrug, "At any rate. We need a genuine battle commander. We also need commanders of the individual elements to meet and work in tandem. I hate to say that a meeting of the commanders of all elements is imperative, and I know it's a security risk. But I think it's vital at this stage. We need to rough out the immediate battle plan and the long term attainable goals." <English>

          "All the luck with that. The Alliance has taken to drive tanks through mine," is what Salin offers with a little chuckle before giving another nod of his head, "I agree. Which is why it's time to start getting things actually formed and getting a measure of cohesion in place. We're rapidly approaching the boiling point and if we're not ready ... well, then everything up to this point will be for naught." <English>

          Calira sighs, "Which is why I have a plan in place," she admits with a grumble to her voice. "Ahh well. What's a few thousand credits here or there. I can always rebuild." She consciously straightens her shoulders, "Anyway. I agree. What do you have in mind?" <English>

          "It does make a rather delightful show for our side of things, every time they do do something like that, though." Another grin and then Salin is giving a nod of his head, "We need to get your Department up and running as quickly as possible. With the operational military falling beneath it, the overall battle commander will report up and to you. We'll need to meet with individual elements and get their buy-in and support for a unified structure." <English>

          "Maneuvering the Alliance into drawing blood first is the only way to turn the tide of public opinion on a large scale," Calira agrees with another thoughtful nod. "Again, I agree. We need a nose count to go with it. It's tough to envision the full scope of what we can field without seeing real numbers." <English>

          "That can be arranged," offers Salin before he's giving another nod, "Exactly. Which is what I want us to work on." There's just the hint of a chuckle, "We need to arrange a sit down of the council, along with the Romany, and see how we stack up. Compton controls a fair sized force, with numerous vessels. As do I and as do the Romany. I've already committed most of mine, directly to the Movement." <English>

          "I don't have any army to field, only my own security force, and no ships either. The DarkStar, as a crew, hasn't made it's final decision. And I can't commit the ship without everyone being all in," Calira replies after a moment of quiet consideration. "Compton controls a fair sized force, but political and diplomatically he's a bull in a china shop. Like Mibu sometimes is, though he's more like a string of flash bang grenades on a bandolier string tossed into an antique shop full of mild mannered old ladies wearing hats..." she frowns for a moment. "His heart is in the right place, but he doesn't necessarily put it to the best use. We have a lot of public figures who open their mouths first before saddling up their brains and political savvy." <English>

          "I couldn't agree more, Cal. But, we'll be able to reign Compton in and get him to control his .. public appearances and the like, now that we're getting a structure in place. He'll respect and recognize that." There's a little roll of his head from left to right and then back again before Salin follows with, "Initial assets, fleet wise, are starting to look somewhat good for the Movement. Our flagship is a sister ship to the ABS Destiny and matches her tooth for tooth. Beyond that, we've got numerous other vessels ranging from APC's down to transports that are all armed and the like." <English>

          Calira chuckles suddenly, "I don't imagine he'll just fall quietly into line, Salin. I've known him for years, he is his own man, which translates to 'not one of the herd', as a general rule. That said, he's smart. So is his wife. Speaking of," she angles a thoughtful look at Salin. "The Triad." <English>

          "We'll just have to hope that he falls into line more quickly then you think," offers Salin before giving a soft grunt, "Yes. The Triad. The Underworld." A cluck of his tongue, "There's going to be a problem there. I have no doubt about that." <English>

          "Is it even remotely possible that Beau will be able to extract his wife from the leadership of the Triad?" Calira wonders, her voice still pitched quiet despite how blunt the question is. "I've known Elizabeth for a very, very long time. She isn't always the most sane of individuals. I wouldn't cross her, personally." <English>

          There's a moment of silence after that question is asked before Salin is giving a shake of his head, "No idea. I know next to /nothing/ about her, oddly enough. Crossed paths with her maybe once or twice in the past." There's a soft pause and then, "But, if I had to take an educated guess .. I'd say that she's not going to give up her little slice of .. heaven." <English>

          Calira exhales that breath of laughter again, "By Heaven you mean her slice of power no matter how much blood drips from her particular slice of heaven," cynical is she in her old age. "I knew her when she was married to Corin and my sister was her personal physician. It's one of those ... acquaintances where I was, and remain, to be very.. very cautious and cordial. I'll take a sane skilled opponent over a less than sane skilled opponent any day." <English>

          "That's exactly what I mean. Unfortunate as it is," offers Salin with another little grunt and a shake of his head, "And I'm with you. I'd rather the sane, then less sane. Unknown quanities always bother me. Keep the hairs raised on the back of my neck and I hate it." <English>

          "I don't mind the unknown, it helps retain the edge necessary to be able to fight my way through what ever muddle lands in my way. But truly unbalanced people are highly erratic and unpredictable and not trust worthy. This sort of thing, what we're doing, requires trust. I trust Beau, but nothing I've seen over the last few years inspires me to trust his wife," Calira admits in a low voice. "Though I'm not insane enough to say that to her face." <English>

          "See, that's the difference between you and I. I'm /just/ stupid enough to say something like that to her face." A grin dances to Salin's lips, followed by a quick shrug of his shoulders, "We're going to have to deal with that at some point and discuss matters with Beau. Especially once we get your sphere of responsibilty up and running ... since it's going to counter to everything that we're standing for." <English>

          "The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, even if he isn't my enemy today. The man who said that was actually beheaded by his own people. It's a nice proverb, but the reality is that it's a lousy way to draw up battle lines," Calira notes with a wry smile. "And.. I don't believe you'd actually say that to her face. You have just as much tactical common sense as the rest of us, more than a lot of the younger commanders in fact, so I won't believe the stupid card. And yeah, we will need to speak to him." <English>

          Salin's giving a chuckle to that, only to join it with a slight shrug, "Hard to say, with me, these days. All depends on the situation. I left a lot of my verbal filters on Londinium when I left." A flash of a grin hints to his lips before being broken by, "I'll get you an office setup on Yinyang and I'll send out a notice that you've accepted a position, to Axel and Compton. I'll leave it to you to send one out to the Movement, if you want." <English>

          Giving a pensive hum of sound, Calira finally shakes her head. "I am not big on public announcements. Lets just get the work done. If it's necessary, I'll say something, but until then I'd be just another talking head on a screen." <English>

          A quick laugh from Salin is joined by a nod of his head, "Sounds good. The important part, as you said, is getting the work done. Which .. I'll get a meeting setup with Axel and Compton and we can start hammering out and finalizing some things. You certainly are going to have a hell of a time getting things setup." <English>

          Calira laughs suddenly, "I didn't pitch my lot with this crew if I wanted to retire quietly and cultivate roses or something brain paralyzing like that. I love a challenge. Just don't imagine that I'm a 'sit behind a desk and file paperwork' sort of soldier. Never have been, never will be. I have a fondness for tossing rubbish paperwork into a fire safe bin and lighting a good cigar while it burns." <English>

          Salin can't help the grin that dances to life at that, "Neither have I. But damn, there are days when I think my body is telling me that I seriously need to consider that lifestyle. Not quite as young as we used to be and I don't know about you, but I tend to feel those old injuries a little more often these days." <English>

          "Every damn day, Salin, every damn day. I do remember what it was like to go for days on two or three hours of sleep, on the ground, eating the crap rations we were given, and still do a good job. I'm to damned old to sleep on the ground day in and day out, and I will knock the shit out of anyone who tries to feed me field rations and take away my cigars," Calira notes with a laugh. <English>

          "So glad to know that I'm not the only one feeling that way, these days. Hanging around with the youngin's just keeps getting tougher and tougher." There's a bob of Salin's head with that, followed by, "One of these days, we'll need to sit down and have a few cigars, along with a bottle or two of something." <English>

          Calira gives a wry grin, "I'm with you on the cigars, but I stopped drinking about a year and a half ago now. I'll bring the cigars though," she offers and glances at her left wrist as her 'comm goes off. "And.. there's the call I've been waiting for. I need to rendezvous with the DarkStar and meet with Odell. I'll be in touch." <English>

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