Cortex Transmission - Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down

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Cortex Transmission - Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down
Location: Log_Location::Broadcast IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2534/07/01 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2015/09/15
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Woman #
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Broadcast.
Log_Characters::Woman #

Some com channels seem to get hacked or play static, cortex screens flicker on.

"Ahem, is this ting on? Oh bless ye. Lovely. Hello my pretty darlings. No, your com isnae malfuctioning. You aren't seein' things on you screens. I am very well. I am here, to bring you a message."

It is a female voice and if people are watching their Cortex screen, a woman wearing an elegantly styled dark blue velvet gown (Guest Starring Michelle Gomez) with opera gloves is standing there giving the speech.

"Oh I know, you're all suspicious, you see me with me squinty eyes and my pointy nose and tink to yourself, who is this strange woman with the funky accent who's takin' up all me valuable time. That is a very good question. There seems to be a wee bit of a kerfuffle over in the Kalidasa system. Newhall was it? Reavers is it? Ooo, nasty buggers those. But it was only a matter of time really. I mean, the pickings on Newhall are already usually lightly toasted and salted from the water. They probably got tired of all the crazy and brave or lost or stupid people who wandered a bit tooo far into the wrong places and space and got themselves ate. If you were a Reaver, you too would get tired of the smell I'd tink and the lack of seasonin'.

"But that is besides the point, isn't it? Who am I, really? You may tink you've met me before, during one of those what it tours? But nay, that was me sister. Fanny. I personally do not have a name, I have a number...but its got decimals and places and at a certain point in the ranking of the organization I represent, ye just go by 'hey you'.But I am going to be your guide in all this. Ye all seem so very lost. Runnin' in circles like hamsters really. Taking sides, we're right, you're wrong, me peynis is bigger than yours, well the joke's on you I have an innie, lets just blast each other to pieces and hope that settles it. I mean really. You're doin' a bang up job at whatever it is you're trying to do.

“So noble, people runnin' to the rescue. And I get that. Really. Nobody wants to see bits of the bikini models strewn out as a fat and well sated sadistic example of what happens when men muddle up science...flosses his teeth with her overly expensive thong. Newhall does deserve beyond all measure, to be saved. To be protected. I mean all that water could be an asset to many planets." A pause. "And so...if you're on Newhall. Ask yourself this...Why aren't we all rare steaks bein' torn apart on our beautiful island paradise? Have you asked it yet? Now look to the sky where your moon would be, and where the ships seem to be very interested. And ask yourself, if there was a way to just let them do what they came to do and leave, would you /really/ care that much about that moon or the people who live there."

“I dun believe in spoilers but people who know what's there and who's there. Really. I'll put tings in perspective for you. If Legion had their headquarters on a moon. And that moon was attacked by Reavers. Would you be busting your arses trying to just help them out? Hm? Or, if you're one of those...Freedom Movement sorts and an Alliance Planet got hit by Reavers, lets say somewhere glamorous like Sihnon, would you be riskin' your freedom to shimmy over there and give those old people eatin' bastards what's for? And you, Alliance...Newhall, savin' the day. I see you're /real/ quiet on that moon front but that's because you all know. When it comes down to it, if that moon was your sister the shenanigans they get up to there makes it so that you wouldn't even piss on them if they were on fire. Probably because you'd be the one to set the fire, but only if there was a very very good reason. But, for a Universe that shudders at the thought of being unified...guess what we have here? A pow wow on Newhall with allll the colors of the rainbow of people and not one of them has batted an eye.

"Basically it comes down to this. You're all going to die. Eventually. That's what happens to human, they are born, they live, and they die. All living things down to the microorganisms. But tings that are micro, are considered tiny and small and not that important so, humans..are the microorganisms of the Universe. Insignificant on their own, but get a build up of them, leave them to themselves and they becomes infectious, spread like wildfire and begin to destroy and tear tings apart. So what does the Universe do to protect itself? If it is like a body, it has antibodies or sometimes it has to go on antibiotics and often times these antibiotics are created from the very tings that infected it. Imagine that. Think about that. Legion, Rebels, Pirates, Alliance they all take innocent lives but they also occasionally take the bad ones too. Just like an antibiotic, stripping both good and bad as it goes, cleaning and healing can happen. Now you'll say, I fight for good. I'm what's right with the universe, Dear nameless woman who is working me nerves. But my darlings. If you're the immune system of the Universe. I hate to tell ya...but ye suck. That's why no healin' has actually happened. So, lets tink about Darcke, shall we?

"The only way to improve and protect the universe because, face it, is to help nature take its course. If Human beings were goin' to evolve on their own, it would've happened by now. I mean, we've got ships in space and explorin' new universes and we /still/ look more like monkies than some monkies. And at the end of the day, you're not all goin' to die. Humans are easy to breed. All you need is two fertile human beings. Whoevers left livin' will just have a lot of work to do. So. I want to welcome you all, to the hardest and most important job interview you will ever have. One wrong decision, and ye may get the dosage of antibiotics a weee bit wrong and there be some sort of side effect you weren't expecting. Or you could help the Universe finally come to a place of healin'. So here ye are. On Newhall, or wherever you may be. Lookin' to Darcke. By the thoughts of many, the people who live there are just a pain in the arse...and people far more important than you happen to agree. How much is human life worth to you, I wonder? If you could make the call to let the ships land on Darcke and let the Reavers go to work and then watch every living ting on the planet be...taken care of including the bulk of what is probably a majority of the Reavers left, would you? No more Reavers, no more the people who are on that planet. Would the universe be better off? If the answer is no, then are you not hypocrites if you're all standing together? Cuz Unification is the curseword of the day isn't it? But...without being unified...I hate to give bad news, but you all would stand no chance against the oncoming storm.

"You have 48 hours to make a decision and a poll will be going up. Now, all you really smart people out there might be attempting to figure out where this signal is comin' from? Well, we've used a tiny trick we've learned from someone many of you know well, so you could say...we're comin' from everywhere. So go into your little mail or find a piece of paper and write your choice. We'll be like Romans. Thumbs up...or Thumbs down. If you do not come to a decision in 48 hours, collectively that is, we'll just assume you want your lovely hungry tourists to extend their stay in the Kalidasa region of space. Oh, I almost forgot. There may or may not be a weak child in one of those ships who might be wantin' to meet one of ye. She'll be gatherin' and collecting your votes. If you let her land. Many of you will ignore this message. You'll think its useless or people trying to get into your heads. Propaganda, useless chatter. Pointless drivle. If you are such a person, then I do feel sorry for you and hope that your own pride will not continue to get people killed. Until next time me precious darlings."