Legionaire - Boros War: Taking Stock II

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Legionaire - Boros War: Taking Stock II
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/06/29 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/03/16
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Octavia and the Girls, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Willow and Kyo return from their little scouting mission and talk about options with Fao.
Log_Characters::Jia, Faoite McGuire, Kyoshiro, Octavia and the Girls, Willow Merryweather

McGuire keeps his fighting gear on his person, but the mechanics belt hangs low with his gun belt. Outside the ship, he has some of the mech minded girls inside assisting with the wiring and rerouting of conduit that was destroyed in the making of this hole. Every noise outside in the wilds is a distraction to him, but his focus is to get as much repair done as possible. "Take that intake connection to the attached power box over there. Don't plug it in yet, we haven't got the connection ready." He's leaning over the severed lip of the hole in his ship and pointing to where he is instructing the girls. "Wires seven through fourteen need to be wrapped."

Stepping out from a group of trees comes a familiar redheaded woman. She wears her katanas on her back, for she had taken them with her when she left the ship. It's been more than the three hours that Fao wanted her to be, yet she appears to be unharmed. Weary, a bit smudged and dirty, but unharmed. She seems a bit out of breath, stopping as she reaches the area where the ship is temporarily landed. Lifting her right hand, she pulls her fingers through her hair, tussling the curls a bit.

Octavia had, at the three hour mark, conveyed to Fao that Willow was fine but still hunting. That she would be an unknown length of time yet. And just before she does step out of the woods, Fao would feel a familiar touch upon his mind, and a whisper of 'She comes.' Though not outside herself, it would seem that Octavia has perhaps found a way of keeping an eye out all the same. <English>

McGuire gives an assuring nod to Octavia's loving touch on his mind. He glances the Operative when she comes into view. Leaning back into the hole, he gets two girls to start wrapping wires. "That's it, seven through fourteen, you got it. One and three need wrapped ... already on it. Good girl. So that leaves... great job ladies." He steps back away from the hole and towards Willow. "Report." His old military ways still creeping in when things get tense. <English>

Kyoshiro moves out of the tree line with Willow. They were going to take the 'Jiro but decided it was best they were on foot and stealthy and left the heavy weapons to defend the ship if need be. <English>

The girls within the ship are diligent about helping, though they're of an age where they understand the importance of what's happened. And the dangerous position they might be in because of it.

Octavia, meanwhile, having been awake for too many hours at a time, settles herself into a bit of a nest made out of a low cot and a fuzzy blanket, curling up and wearily falling into sleep.

Willow, meanwhile, takes a brief glance to Kyoshiro, and then turns her attention to Fao. A hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips, though it doesn't linger. Lifting a hand, she brushes a bit of dirt from her face, then gives a small nod to Fao. "We were able to get a lead on some new wiring and a few different types of wiring harnesses. Some fuel line that'll hopefully be long enough to repair what was torn away when the engine was lost. Someone we spoke to thinks there might be an engine the right type, but they don't know for certain. They want to meet up again tomorrow after having a chance to check the one they have," she says, her brow furrowing briefly. "A nearby farm offered fresh water and some food supplies from their crops, but they weren't sure how much they have to be able to trade with us, with everything that's happened," she adds. Nearby doesn't exactly mean close, alas. <English>

Kyoshiro nods to Willow, "Yeah might have to venture a bit closer to the city for that engine than Id like. At least out here we can bide some time." <English>

McGuire sighs, getting the feel of what she's saying. He nods and says to them both. "I've salvaged must of the thruster's components. Fuel line would come in handy for planet hops." He looks back at the hole in his ship, "We wont be space worthy for a while, but still have all our missiles and the cannons to bare. If we can get in the air, we might be able to assist in what ever ground troops managed to get deployed." He looks back at Kyo, "Any chance your army is on the way? What troops we have now are good for area defense, but I doubt they would last in a fire fight with Legion if in fact Legion has taken this world." His own face is grease ridden, hands are black. His handkerchief is just as black as he wipes a new streak of black over his forehead. "The girls are being jewels, helping out where they can. As for trade, we have what's in the cargo bay to trade for. MULE, tools, straps, one EVA suit we can spare. If I had Niao we'd have more, but she's on Haven awaiting my return." <English>

"It's... well. It's not a light item, really. A lot of folks don't really understand the scope of what's going on," Willow says, her brow furrowing a little bit. "I also got a line on some armor plates and other hull pieces to be able to replace what went off with the engine, and some new seals to help with making her space worthy again," she adds, taking a moment to weigh out what the various people had said. "Rumour has it that there's pockets of resistance, but... it's hard to say where, and how long they'll be able to hold out for against Legion's forces. And it is Legion who has taken over the planet, as much as I hate to admit it," she comments, wrinkling her nose. Then she lifts a hand, pushing a bit of hair from her face again. "What else will the ship need to be able to become space worthy again?" she asks, raising an eyebrow slightly as she studies him, glancing briefly to the ship. "I have a bit of help I can provide in regards to what we have to trade with," she adds, enigmatically in nature. <English>

Kyoshiro shakes his head to Fao. "I have no idea. What i know is there is a Legion controlled fleet up there that our ships cant penetrate without Alliance help for a mass assault. There might be other less overt ways on world. We are over due so I'm sure the Captains are working on something." He looks around. "We got a platoon of recon sf here with the 'jiro. baby bird and the Jia's own weapons. We could probably take on a whole battalion we stock things up right. Preferable choice is to get off world as fast as possible and regroup." <English>

McGuire looks back at the ship, "Pulse engine is destroyed. Like I said, we can manage thrusters. Large enough piece of plate might cover the hole, my welding will hold when we get it here and mounted. Buffer plates for high atmo to space. Seven five inch conduits for the striker panels to assure we don't blow up if we get to high. Six compression coils because ours are fried. It's fubared Willow. We're a duck outta water at this rate. Like I said, I can get the thrusters to work for short planetary hopes or low altitude excursions, but that's it for now. Plus our fuel is low. We can take off, fly fifteen minutes at a time, then land. We can do that three times. That's how low our fuel is." He keeps it matter of fact in tone, otherwise he'd get all pissy and that wouldn't help the situation in the least. <English>

"Even just lifting the ship off the ground is a significant risk, at this point, even if it's not to try to get off world," Willow comments, her brow furrowing a little bit. "As Kyoshiro said... we're over due where we were headed, so... those expecting us might well be up to something, at least. Though we have no idea of knowing what," she adds, lifting one of her shoulders in a slight shrug. "We can't exactly clean out the locals, in all good faith, knowing that they'll have to deal with who knows what as far as Legion is concerned," she says, frowning briefly. Then she gives a nod before brushing her hands off on the outside of her thighs. "I know it's a mess, Captain. But we've got to make the best of it. I'll head back out in a bit to see about tracking down some fuel, and maybe some of the other parts," she offers. <English>

McGuire nods and says, "The galley has food prepared. Some of the girls made dinner for us. Get some food, and make sure you wear your night goggles if you're going back out." He sighs, he knows he doesn't have to say that and that she knows what she is doing, but he's only being the captain that cares for his crew. Crew, the though brightens his soul in the midst of all this gloom. People he loves and cares for. People who love and care for him. "We'll be alright. We'll get through this. Be careful out where. Daylight hits and no you, I'm activating the pendent and coming to search for you." <English>

While Willow and Kyo were off on their adventure, that evening had echos of hell. The sky to the west seemed to burn. Distant sounds of combat and explosions. They had subsided has time went on and day light took over. Fao had every right to be worried. "Where we are is pretty lucky of us to get. The only way in and out is through the woods. Its an abandoned field. We can set up some clay-mores." <English>

McGuire nods, "Get Sarah Jade to help you. She's really good with that. Mark them on paper for use to memorize and avoid...or lead a patrol into if it comes to that." He nods, war was a game he was good at when a boy. Real war as a young man was spent in the pilot seats dropping ordinance and carrying troops. This war however, this war is all or nothing in this situation. As long as they are on the planet, they are in danger. Children, adults alive, all of them in the same boat. He pulls a breath and returns to his work. Seventeen more conduits to wire, and eight more power strips to create. The girls know what he's thinking and are on it. He steps back to the hole in his ship and leans in. "That's right, you got it. Great work girls. Take that... right, you know." <English>

Willow gives a nod in agreement with Kyoshiro's words. "There's a lot of worse places to have ended up. Here isn't bad. It's defensible, at least. We'll make up some IED's to add to the ordinance that we have, and we should be able to set up a fair perimeter," she offers, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "There's some edible plants in the area as well, so we can scavenge some food. And I saw sign of a herd of deer as well, so... food might not be too bad to come by. I'll see if we can maybe track the deer to a source of water, so that we're not so dependent on the local supplies," she offers. She falls quiet for a long moment then, watching him as he looks back into the hole of the ship, and she raises an eyebrow slightly. "They're quite intuitive," she comments. She knows full well it's more than that, but she doesn't outright say it. And none of the girls have sought to touch her mind at all. <English>

Kyoshiro nods and moves over to get a squad rotation underway. Watch, defense prep, and rest. <English>