Boros - Legionaire War: Taking Stock III

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Boros - Legionaire War: Taking Stock III
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/06/30 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/03/18
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Abbey, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Jia
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::On watch, Kyo asks Abbey to join him and Willow on a mission into town to procure a deal for some parts for the Jia.
Log_Characters::Abbey, Kyoshiro, Jia

The Jia was parked in a field. Fao and the girls have been working on the broken parts while Willow and Kyo ventured around to see what they could get their hands on. The platoon of Churara Paratroopers were on defense duty. They set up IEDs and clay-mores around the forest that surrounded the overgrown field. There was remains of what used to be a foundation of a house and barn... lost to time long ago. Any road out was overgrown but visible. Not obvious though. Kyoshiro is helping some of his men construct a makeshift pillbox where they can take cover in the event of attack. <English>

Abbey is doing what she does best at the moment and that is keeping an ye out for anything or one that may be coming towards the makeshift camp as it where. She has her rifle with her, resting at her side while she rubs at her eyes a few times and is soon glancing back over the area once more. <English>

Kyoshiro takes a moment from the manual labor as they get a log properly in place. The Churara Commander looks over towards Abbey and turns to head over in her direction. "Hey, Willow and I are heading into town to possibly trade for a new engine. Want to come along?" <English>

Abbey glances over at the voice and nods to the question it seems. "Sure.. Sounds like a plan. When ye two planning on leaving?" She questions while placing her hat back upon her head. <English>

Kyoshiro puts his hands on his hips. "Probably in an hour or two. Going to hope and see if its something we can use to help Jia get airborne again." He looks off to the north. "The fires and explosions were quieter and less last night." <English>

Abbey nods a this and is soon looking off towards the north. "Which could mean a few different things... Perhaps they are planning the next move.. Or they found something else to put their attentions upon." <English>

Kyoshiro nods, "whatever it is... once they have the cities and major headway's... they will start to push out to the suburban and rural areas like here." <English>

"Which will be a issue for more people to try an deal with." Abigail offers with a slight shake of her head. "WE need to figure out a way to take 'em out quickly as possible and as many as possible." <English>

Kyoshiro nods, "Well to accomplish that we need to get up and going again and communicate with the outside world. Cant do much till then." <English>