Boros - Legionaire War: Everyone Gets A Recreational Nuke

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Boros - Legionaire War: Everyone Gets A Recreational Nuke
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/18 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/05/05
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jacy, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather, Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::The Underground
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Willow and Zank figure out their next move. Jacy takes out the rest of the Blackfleet along with the comm jammer as Fao and Kyo watch on from the Plateau.
Log_Characters::Jacy, Zank, Kyoshiro, Faoite McGuire, Willow Merryweather, Jia, The Underground

McGuire has his tool belt on as he walks out of the Jia. His attention is upward, not so much to the sky this time, but to the ship itself. He grumbles to himself something about jammers or pollin or the like, making his way to the hand hold ladder off the rear struts. He looks like he intends to climb it to the top of his ship. Reaching out a hand to the first hand hold, he stops and rolls his shoulder, the one that was recently fixed by the medic. A slightly pained expression on his face, and he pulls himself up to the ladder and starts upward.

Kyoshiro is outside taking account of his men who are busy setting up new defences. He himself is enjoying a cigar per usual. A single red eye looks towards Fao, a brow raising. Shaking his head he movoes over to inspect a pill box before heading over to the cliff where he can look out over the land. <English>

McGuire reaches the top, he walks to the sensor array and begins to slowly walk around it. Pulling a tool, he stops at a cable connection and begins to work on it. Lowering down to one knee, he puts some effort into removing the cable to look at the wire inside the casing. He is intent on the job at hand and everything else around him seems to fade, relying on Kyo's men to protect the ship. The junction box below the antena is openned and he lowers his view to get a gander inside. His mind working out the problem he registered on the ships insterments when he last checked. Sensors suffered damage in the last move. It's to be expected with that new engine modified to work the Jia, he expected it to be jarring, and it was. Shook and shaked a few sensors loose. He now works to tighten the connections. Granged the jamming is still going on, but if Zank or Kyo's men find that device and get rid of it, Fao wants to be ready to search the planet for that Night Angel. Jia had the best senor array in the 'verse with their last upgrade, and he knows a few tricks as well to get out of it what he wants. Leaning in, he scraps a knuckle bloody turning the tool to tighten a connection. He says aloud, "Blood sweat and tears, it's what keeps her flying." <English>

Turning now from the cliff Kyoshiro makes his way back towards the ship and over to where he can get a good eye on Fao. "Well, no word from Zank or Willow yet. Though it hasn't been that long seince they left on their little mission. I'm sure they'll be fine. You need any help up there?" THough Kyo wasn't the best with a hydrospanner, he could at least hold things. <English>

In the distance approching the city is a large storm system. Soft echos of thunder can be heard as the storm closes in. It looks massive. Its gonna get wet out here soon. The city in the distance remains quiet and still. <English>

McGuire glances in the direstion of Kyo's voice until he can see him and stands for a better view. Yelling back, "Just a few recallibrations Mibu. I wont be long. That new engine shoke the ship pretty bad when we moved it, a few things came loose." He glances the dark clouds in the distance, "Looks like rain heading this way. Better break out the wet gear for the men." He turns back to his work, starting to feel like he is getting pressed for time. <English>

"I'll let the men know they should expect bad weather..." Kyo says to Fao with a nod. "If you're sure, let me know. I'm going to get in contact with Jacy as soon as the Sat heads over and see about getting us some reinfocements. We need more men here to run operations." <English>

McGuire hears his friends words, but says nothing back. He knows if he doesn't fix the damaged sensor array, there wont be a signal going out for Kyo to call. He's got a good idea where the problem is and sets to work it out. The antena cuplink was jarred loose, simple fix, but a tight quarter to get into. He's just glad his ship is flat on top so he doesn't have to lock himself in to get the job done. <English>

RECAP!!! Ida stands in the doorway of the bunk area looking in at Zank and Willow. "Might have somethin yall could use if your goal is to do some damage." she says.

Zank raises an eyebrow. "So you wanna help us?"

The women grunts "Hell no..but all this is bad for buissness an youll owe if your here t' do some fightin an make these black glad pricks go away. I dont mind my boss yellin at me over that...pluse always wanted to see one go off..."

Zank blinks now clearly curious. <English>

Kyoshiro goes over to tell his men about the incomming bad weather and they step up the pace to finish the defence permiter and make sure to grab their poncho's out of their packs. Kyo looks back over to Fao, then off in the distance towards the storm. He takes several long drags from his cigar. <English>

McGuire re-attaches the cuplink after resetting the links output. The buzz the system makes shows the output is connecting. He closes the box and secures it closed. Rising up and walking to the edge after gathering his tools, he waves to Kyo below, "Fixed!" He yells down to his friend. Comforted in knowing that Kyo can call out and the signal will go, as long as the sattlite is within range. New engine or not, the Jia's systems are the best money can buy and with proper care outlast everyone aboard. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over to Fao and gives him a thumbs up before starting to head up the ramp of the Jia. <English>


The fleet of now 20 or so Harpoons sits where the Destiny left them. Ten Down and Commander Jacy was close in the last engagement to foguring out what made them tick together so well. Their movements almost like a hive or single mind. Essy would lend support with the Geist but keep back mainly providing an additional fighter support for Heather's group. One thing though, the last thing they heard from Dead Orbit after it went down was, Mission Complete. There had been a signal sent out to Jacy from the Jia (Should be in your mail). It would indeed come in handy as what ever was blocking any other signals off the planet was lickely on the world it's self and not the job of the black fleet. Ground operations would mean ridding that black fleet.

The Destiny and its crew are battered and weary, days of fatigue setting in. During the 'phony war' waiting for the Geist to return from her re-arming and re-fuelling, Commander Jacy had the crew take breaks, attempting to distract the down-shifts from the upcoming battle, reduce the tension in the ship. But now they are in battle again, all hands to their stations. The compartment doors are sealed, and Heather Jacy is on the bridge, watching the monitors before her showing the pinpricks of red that mark the hostile Legion fleet. "Communications," she says quietly to a grey-haired officer, "Scan every gorram frequency you can scan. I know they're jamming us hard, but somewhere in there they're talking to each other. Get Crypto on it. Isolate that signal, and give me a plan to jam them right back."

As the fleet Looms there isn't much different. They are still impossible to track and the only thing that rid them of a few of their number was a random and un aimed blast from the arc lazer and a few fly by sight missles and canons. Her Comm officer, at least the one who over sees that section of the bridge crew reports. "We've had to have gone over it a thousand times. What ever it is, it's nothing we can scan... We..." There is something that beeps on his screen, "Ma'am we have an incomming com request from the Dead Orbit Satalite. Audio only, low band Frequency..." He pauses, "It's Commander Mibu..."

"Patch him through," Jacy instructs, holding her hand up to press the earpiece firmly against her ear. "Commander Mibu?" She staggers as the Destiny's shields shiver with yet another impact, and grasps the handrail for support.

"Heather..." Kyoshiro's voice comes through. He can hear the impacts of the missles and other projectiles against the shields of the Destiny. "Oh you sound busy, can't see the Light show from down here. Still day out and a storms rolling in. I don't have too much longer till the Satalite moves out of range. I'm sending up some orders for reinforcements to my position. Hopefully you can take care of the fleet that's up there by then. Zank and your Oprative Willow are in the city causing some trouble and doing recon. We should talk beachhead soon. We're still not sure where the Comm 'jammer' is. How's it going up there?" He asks.

"We're working on it," Jacy assures him. Momentarily she mutes her microphone and looks over at the Comms officer. "Stuff all the sensors you can get on a couple of fast fighters and send them round the gorram planet. See if they can triangulate the jammer and find their internal comms. I swear there's a gorram mothership somewhere that's controlling them." Then, unmute. "How far out are your reinforcements?"

"Oh they should be getting there right about... now." Kyoshiro says and of course that's when the scensors light up with frienly specs comming in at the far side. "Really Heather... if you need some advice if you're having trouble let me know." The fighters are dispatches with their sensor packages it'll be a bit before they can report back anything.

Heather Jacy represses a faint grin at the accuracy of Kyoshiro's announcement, assessing their entry to the theater of war. "If you come at them over the northern polar cap, I'll draw them to me." Mute on. "Go in hard. Gunnery, pick your targets. No random fire, everyone lock on to the same target. We'll take them one by one. Engines cut to half ahead, put the power into the shields." The Destiny slows perceptibly, the shields glowing as the reactor core's power flows into them.

"I'll let them know... time's up on this end. Good luck and make sure my idiots don't get shot down. They know where to drop their Cargo." It's not too many ships, but at least enough for an entire battalion. The connection with Kyo is lost. Then after a moment Communications has a report... "Ma'am... we might not have to do that..." He steps forward. "We've been scanning all these frequencies trying to find a hive mind but there's one thing we forgot to do. Well one thing we didn't think of. Normally sensors are tuned to detect life signs inside a ship... but we took that restriction off. Even though it dosn't make sence to look for life in the void... well..." He brings up his data on the monitor, all the enemy ships a empty, except one... "There's just one person out there doing all of this..." He zooms in on the ship.

The ship is very good at evasion, except the ruse that was keeping him safe can not help him anymore for the onslaught of the Destiny. The ship explodes into molton hot embers and slag. The othe ships stop firing and what ever tragectory they were on they continue to go. They don't move, the don't shoot. THey just keep going. A Few even collide into each other at flanking speed, destroying them selves... THe crew cheers as it was nothing more then a mop up after this. "Ma'am... sensor team reports back. THere's a promising lead but it's nothing we can get to from here. The jammer is comming from deep underground inside a heavily fortified bunker. An old Alliance Bunker."

"Patch me through to Mibu," Jacy orders calmly. "Spool up the heavy weaponry. If you can't get through to Mibu, just try to alert who you can that we're going to slag that bunker. If there's anyone down there that's on our side, I want them out. Bring the ship lower." The Destiny starts to slip through the upper reaches of the atmosphere, the plasma flickering along the shields, the ship buffetted as it slows further.

"Ah... ma'am... it's so deep under ground... yes ma'am..." The Comm officer of course follows his orders, "Can't raise Commander Mibu but I'll see what I can do..."

The heavy cannons on the underbelly of the Destiny swing down, waiting to acquire the target and begin to track it, waiting for Jacy's order to fire. "Where's the bunker with respect to the city? We got friendlies down there." Well, Zank is technically barely a 'friendly', but she's being generous.

"Oh the fucker is in the middle of no where... Old Munitions Dump... wait." The comm Officer responds. He brings up a plan of station, "Hit it there and it should cause a chain reaction. Or you could just nuke it... but we'd need permission from SECDEF I'd think." He didn't know, he was just a Bridge Comm Officer.

Heather Jacy says crisply, "Load up a tacnuke. We can't get through to SECDEF because of the jamming. Dropping it down on those coordinates." She's not even tried getting through to the SECDEF, and regards the Comm officer with a deadpan flat gaze.

"Right... Once Tactical Nuke comming up..." The order is given and it's only a moment before it's loaded. "Ready to fire Ma'am..."

A hand is raised, but does not fall to issue to command to fire. Instead she says curtly, "Get lower into atmo. I want to get close enough to get through the jamming to Mibu." The engineering officer on the bridge opens his mouth, then closes it again, as the ship shudders and shakes, buffetted through the thicker atmosphere as it descends. It's starting to leave a thick contrail of part-burned fuel. Gunnery does put up a protest, "M'am, we're getting close to the keep-out zone for the blast." But Jacy ignores him. "Broadcast on all frequencies to Mibu, ask him where the hell he is."

"He's on a Plateu in a Messa far away and out of danger from the blast and any radiation..." THe comm Officer replies, "He says go for it. It'll be a good covere for his troops jumping in." Those Churara ships are already in Atmo flying in a pattern and away from any Cities to avoid Anti-air.

Jacy's hand drops. "Fire, and engines full ahead," she snaps out. The Destiny lunges forwards, the afterburners bright jets of flame as it struggles to gain altitude. Below, a small black device is ejected, spinning down towards the target, homing in on the coordinates given. "Attention all hands," Jacy broadcasts ship-wide, "Brace! Brace! Brace!"

There is a Countdown before the missle impacts but when it does, there's the bright flash of light, then the mushroom cloud and fireball. The very powerful shockwave that carries on for miles vaporizing all in it's path. The notification for the active comm jammer blinks a few times after the blast... then stops. No more comm jammer.

The Destiny rocks in the blast, swinging to the side in the shockwave. The bridge lights and monitors all go black before the EMP-shielded power units recover in a matter of seconds, the displays coming to life again. "Damage Control, report," Heather Jacy says crisply. "Establish secure comms to our allies on the ground as well as the backup fleet."

Ida looks at Willow her eyes hard with years of hardship. "Ant the point, buissness is buissness. War or not. An war or not what we got belongs to somebody. Mr Lines here knows the Rules." She says that last word as though it holds a tramendious amount of weight and meaning.

Zank just shakes his head slightly "Ya gonna show us or ya gonna talk all day?" he saya

Ida laughs "Well if ya done tryin t' be all white knight like an shes done makein eyes at ya its in here" she says.

Zank just rolls his eyes and moves to follow looking at Willow "You good to walk?" <English>

"Of course, business is business. But that didn't answer the question as to how much would be owed," Willow says, her tone calm and smooth. Lifting her uninjured hand, she brushes a few curls from her face, leaving some of the woman's words without comment. She looks to Zank, and then she gives a nod. "I'm fine, thank you," she says, a smile flitting across her features. Shifting to the edge of the bed, she uses her uninjured arm to push her up to her feet. Being who and what she is, it's perhaps no surprise that she reaches out towards her katanas, not intending to leave her weapons behind. <English>

Zank helps were he can with Willows things and makes sure shes set "Dont worry bout it, ill cross that bridge when it comes to it." He turns to follow Ida into the storage house. Its not far outside the room were Ida now stand along with 2 of her men. They stand next to a large steal crate. Its only markings a few random symbols and the word BOROS scribbled in black marker. <English>

The entire ground and warehouse shakes. There is a giant rumble and the lights flicker. It subsides after a long few moments... A Radio on a desk nearby turns from scanning static to a common FM station filled with music. <English>

The redheaded woman accepts his help with her gear, taking a moment after to settle things the rest of the way into place. Lifting a hand, she lightly touches the bandage on her arm, as though testing the tenderness of the wound. It's better, at least, which is a good thing. She follows after Zank and Ida, pausing as the rumbling comes. Though her brow furrows, Willow stays quiet, watching instead. <English>

Zank looks up as building shakes. "Well that cant be good." He looks to Ida. "Make it quick" He says

Ida nods and the men move to open the crate. They make quick work and open the box. Zanks face is one of slight shock. He whistles low "holy shit..are those..."

Ida cuts him off "Nova anti ship charges..."

The charges are about the size of a large frisebee and as tall a small birthday cake. They are all metal and light blue. There bottom has large magents ment to stick to ship hulls. <English>

Zank takes a breath. "what the hell ya doin with these." There are three of them. "They will rip a mean hole outta a cruiser..." <English>

Somone comes up, one of the Underground types and says, "Hey you guys... you gota come check this out... Outside..." <English>

Taking a moment to look into the crate as the lid is lifted, Willow raises an eyebrow slightly as she studies what's been revealed. She frowns a little bit, yet keeps her opinion to herself on the charges. This is Zank's business to do, so she leaves it to him. Her brow furrows a little bit as their attention is called to outside, and she mutters softly, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" <English>

Zank looks to Willow and then to the man. "What is it?" he asks comeing over to the man. <English>

"They nuked something... gorram Alliance nuked something..." He points outside. If they were to go outside they'd see a single mushroom cloud in the distance. Far away, out of blast range from the city. <English>

Zank comes to the screen showing the outside. "Did it drop from orbit...?" he asks "There will be a trail.." <English>

Willow knows a few different languages. This becomes apparent as, with the revelation given, she then proceeds to mutter curses in many different languages. Then she lifts her right hand to brush her fingers over her cheek, and she shakes her head. "I need a long range comm unit," she says, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looks to Ida. <English>

"I don't know..." Says the person who alerted them. Still, noone notices that the radio monitoring the FM station that was nothing but static is now live again with recorded musical progam it was last set to. <English>

Ida frowns and has a slight look of fear now. She hurries to the the room were the radio is set. "In here.." she says. Zank looks over the charges quickly and then stops and listens. "Why is that on?" he says talking about the radio. <English>

Striding after Ida to the room where the radio is, her brow furrows slightly. She heads for the long range comms, reaching out for the headset of it to hold it up to one of her ears as she moves through signals that she knows. Though there is a seat there, she doesn't bother with sitting down. "It's on because there's a signal coming through," she answers, without looking to them. And she tunes onto the Jia's frequency first. "Merryweather to Jia," she calls out over the comm. <English>

"Oh hey... Willow. How are things... I see it worked then..." Comes back Kyoshiro over the comm system. He seems oddly non-chalant about what ever is going on. <English>

Zank comes into the comm room and shakes his head "I shoulda known with that music...gorram lunatic." he says "Was it jacy that dropped that nuke? Cause that frikin women has lost her gorram mind" <English>

"There are bombs other than a nuke that would have served the purpose of destroying the comm jammer just as well," Willow says, wrinkling her nose a touch. Lifting her free hand, she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Unless she's trying to turn this planet into another Shadow. Which if she is, I will have words with her," she says, her tone turning particularly icy in nature. Words don't mean words, judging by the tone she says it in. <English>

"Yup well... you know how she is. Asked if we were in range. I said no and well... Turns out it's nuke-o'clock. At least she turned off that damn comm jammer. I got a Battalion dropping in a few dozen miles from the Jia. They're gun hike it to base camp. That way we have some pull behind our actions. Guna talk to Heather about what to do next. She took out that Comm Jammer thing, what ever it was with that Tactical Nuke..." Kyoshiro says before pausing to listen to Willow. "Well you do what you need to do. It didn't seem that big to me. Tactical at best. Either way. I don't know the details just that it happened." <English>

Zank keys and mic "Jia...other Jia...were gonna start some operations here shortly. Just let us know when yall plan on startin ya pushes please so we dont get shot by some dam abitious purplebelly private..." <English>

"Sadly, yes. I have read a significant portion of her file. She has a fondness for her bombs," Willow says, then shakes her head slightly. "Done is done. We have no way of pinning down where Legion's forces are. There are pockets of them everywhere, it seems. Patrolling and what have you. We will see what chaos we might be able to cause. Relay to your medics to carry blood cleansers in their kits. Legion poisons their blades," she offers. No explanation is given as to how she knows that bit of information, though. <English>

"Understood... I'm going to prep for the men toget here. They'll have to rest once the finish thier march. Still don't know what the game plan is." Kyoshiro says with a pause. "Get me any good intel you can while you're at it. Mibu Out." <English>

Zank keys out "Sounds Mibu...No more nukes." <English>

"Of course," Willow says, inclining her head slightly. "Good luck with what offensive you set your men on. We will pass along information as we gain it," she says, a faint smile touching at the corners of her lips. "The only plan we have is to harrass them and kill what members of Legion we can. At least, until the final battle is called," she adds, a thoughtful note to her voice. "Be well and be safe, Mibu," she offers. Then she sets the headset down before straightening and stepping away from the comm unit. <English>

Zank stay near the radio a second. "Alright well...that not how i saw this day going" he says. "Dosnt change anything...if anything we have Comm's now which is better for us." he says wither to himself or the room is hard to say.

Ida has listend to all this and stands dumb founded at the door. "Who the hell are you people. Fed's and Alliance, browncoats from the looks of yuo. an i dont even know were to start with you lady... What in the hell have you dragged us into?" she say. Zank dosnt answer. He walks past her out of the room back to the charges. <English>

"With an enemy like Legion, it draws together even the most unlikely of allies to fight together," Willow says, looking over to Ida. Or at least, this is what she offers as an answer, perhaps feeling the woman deserves that much in exchange for the hospitality. Then she looks to Zank and gives a nod. "Comms are an improvement, though we'll have to use them wisely or I expect Legion will find a way to block them again," she muses, frowning a bit. Then she gives her head a slight shake. A faint smile touches her features as she looks to Ida once more. "The less you know about me, the better," she adds. Then she half bows before turning to follow after Zank. She's a dangerous person to know. <English>

Zank is back at the crate looking over the charges. "Well there there workin...gorram..really didnt expect to see these here." he says "We need to use these on hard targets...wastin one on a check point or patrol almost seems wasteful...though might send one hell of a message..." he says looking at Willow "Any ideas?" <English>

After following him back to the charges, she stands a bit away from him, looking down upon the weapons. "If we find where they land and keep their harpoons, we may be able to use them to take some of them out. Or cause chaos or a distraction for the purposes of aiding an attack," Willow offers, lifting one of her shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "Or if we can find the building they're using, we may be able to partially infiltrate it to cause some havoc," she adds. <English>

Zank nods and stands. "I like of these would rip a harpoon into several million peices." he says "If your up to it we can see if we can find were some of these guys are holding up. Or just wipe out a few more of there patrols." he says. "Ida do yall have a bag." The women is still taking this all in and she just points into the other room. Zank gose and gets the backpack and takes one of the charges putting it in the bag..carefully. <English>

McGuire saw the light, got a better view and witnessed the cloud settling. Turning to Kyo, "You're men should come inside for day. I'm closing the ship up to protect the girls. You should come inside too my friend." Tossing a thumb in the direction of the distant explosion, "That'll be here in twenty to thirty minutes. Best to let it pass first." He turns and starts up the ramp, taking Octavia with him if she's still out and about. Old man worry is a powerful force. <English>

Kyoshiro is talking on his comm link with someone, seems in the wake of the explosion comms had gone back up. "I'm not that worried about it. I got men marching this way. They'll be fine, they hae Anti Rad meds... I'll be fine too." He shakes his head. "One tac nuke isn't the end of the rock old man." <English>

McGuire grins slightly and says at the top of the ramp, "Being old, we're not as resiliant as we use to be, son." He pushes the big red button and the ramp begins to rise. "See you after while old friend." He says as the ramp is about to shut completely. Fao turns and looks to the sleeping girls, making a mental head count before moving to the engine room to get the ship's life support going. <English>

"I'll monitor the Rads... You can comm me if you need anything. We'll be busy setting up a FOB here." Kyoshiro says as Fao starts to close the ramp. Kyo had a lot of things built into him. Special shots and other gene therapies from the Alliance to make him the peak killing machine. Not to mention the Tycho Generational Gene that gave him that beserker state. THey still weren't too sure what else it could do. IT's safe to say, he was resiliant to a lot of poisons and illnesses and other things that normal people weren't. The only person who could visit Tara without much in the way of protection was him when she was sick. He'll be fine. <English>