Boros - Legionaire War: Making The Time

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Boros - Legionaire War: Making The Time
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/20 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/05/10
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Amenadiel, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Llewelyn, Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Zank
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Sometimes you have to relax in the middle of a war zone.
Log_Characters::Faoite McGuire, Amenadiel, Kyoshiro, Llewelyn, Jia, Zank

McGuire's mind has been running at the speed of thought for some time. Ship structure and balance, lay out of the city that Legion has taken over, proper nurishment for the girls, fuel consumption of the ship for life support, and the list goes on. He wandered outside the ship for a smoke when he notices the rock of the mountain reminds him of the past. An open area between the ship and the campsite. The chilly wind wipes through the site, the tents bellow out and snap before deflating a bit. The rhythem was steady in sound and beat forms music in his mind. Suddenly all thoughts stop for him. The only thought is in the music being played in his past. Music coming from a formal ball he attended a decade or so ago. A walts. His perfect memory brings into focus the huge ballroom with a very high ceiling. The wide open dance floor with the sound of many feet moving to the beat of the music. The center of the room doing the modern line dance associated with the three four count, the outter edges of the dance floor full of the ever moving couples dancing the old fashioned way. McGuire was known as Enyad back then, but his memory only focuses on the dance. The many women that danced with him that night. The thrill in their tone when they realize he can accually dance and lead them around the dance floor. He closes his eye's, arms rising shoulder level with the left out and the right bent as if cupping a partner. His feet suddenly move with the three count in a walts. He doesn't hum, sing, or make a noise. The music is in his head, the smell of the place of old waffts through the air of his mind, food being warmed and cooked in the distance of very fancy displays of eatables. The purfumed filtered air of the room. Fao doesn't care about anything at this moment. In the mist of war, he gets lost in his mind with a thought from his past, and begins to dance in the open area between his ship and the campsite. Eye's closed, mind full of the ballroom of old, arms out as if holding someone, and just dances. <English>

It is, perhaps, a strange thing. Here, in the midst of a planet besieged by Legion, there is a pocket of peace. There is this camp of people who have been fighting Legion for many months and even years. Like a flower gradually opening from being a bud to being an all-out bloom, something strange begins to unfurl. It starts slowly, like a procession of sorts. Dressed neatly, in what could be considered their 'Sunday best', come the girls down the ramp. None of them wear any make-up or anything of the sort. All of them are clean, neat and tidy, their hair has been all brushed and combed until it shines as it falls light and soft over their shoulders and back. And each of them have a small bouquet of flowers that they carry in their right hand. And in order from the shortest to the tallest, they make their way down the ramp of the ship. There is, after all, a cooking fire not too far from the ship, and the Churara forces have gathered there for cooking and eating, as well as talking and such. And each of the girls head over to pick a Churara member apparently at random, handing over their little bouquet of flowers before drawing them away from the fire to dance. Last to descend from the ship is Amenadiel and Octavia -- the former escorting the latter over to where Fao is. Taller than her, he kisses her atop of the head before backing away and leaving her there. He will go to find his own partner in the form of one of the female Churara, for even he's dressed finely. Amongst them all, they have 'borrowed' Fao's memory of the music and shared it with not only their chosen partners but also with as many of the others, to try to tie them into the magical moments. <English>

McGuire bows forward, his memory letting a dancer go, only to address the new dancer. He faces Octavia, eye's still closed, music still playing in his mind. He didn't notice the girls coming off the ramp of the ship to move past him to the campsite. He didn't see Amen escort Octavia out and to him. He is lost in this memory fully. He opens his eye's and slowly steps forward to the beautiful blond woman before him, offering his right hand to her left in the hopes she will join him. Slowly he steps up to her and presses his body against hers, his hand on hers, his eye's locked on her. As if rehursted, he steps to the side and then back two three, to the side and back two three, one two three one two three. The dance continues, his memory full in his mind. He is dressed to the nines among the ellet the 'verse has to offer. All moving in this rhythem that plays in his mind. <English>

As Fao offers his right hand, it would happen that Octavia does reach out to accept that offer. Her fingers are warm and soft against his own, and she gives his fingers a light squeeze the moment after claiming his hand. And stepping towards him, she slips her other arm around him and begins to gracefully move through the dance with him. She knows the steps, even without the benefit of having his memory to go from. Her footsteps are light, soft upon the ground, her movements smooth and graceful. The other girls are equally so, with their chosen partners. <English>

Void of music, only the sounds of feet stepping in the one two three beat, the mountain ledge the open ballroom. Within the minds of those effected, the music is orcistrated beautifly, playing out over all other sounds. The flow of the floor a unison of graceful accord. United in the moment to glide and float across the floor. <English>

McGuire moves with Octavia, both together in the lead. Knowing where the other is going and stepping accordingly. The feel is light and full, the bodies near intertwined in the movement. <English>

Some of the girls, as well as Octavia, have chosen to be bare-footed for this. There's a certain something that it lends to this particular sort of thing. Moving with a certain feather-lightness, it's Llewelyn who notices Kyoshiro's arrival first. She deftly slips away from the partner she had chosen, and she runs over to him to literally jump him with a hug. Within a few moments of that, though, a part of the rest of it seems to fissure and slither away. The other girls, as well as Amenadiel, all slip away from their partners as well. And Octavia pauses at first, then stops, her gaze turning over towards Llew and her adopted father. <English>

McGuire stops with Octavia. Her attention draws his to the father and daughter. He notes the girls all doing the same. He opens his mind to what ever comes to him, being used to such actions most his life with his past experiance with Readers. He becomes an open vessel. <English>

Kyoshiro blinks as Llew jump up and into his arms. He of course returns the hug affectionatly, giving her a squeeze and lifting her up with one big bear arm. "Hey sweetheart..." He looks back around at the others, "What's going on?" <English>

Llewelyn gives a little giggle, and then she kisses him on the cheek before sliding to the ground. "Hi, Papa," she greets him, a smile coming to her features. She stays close to him, lifting a hand to brush a bit of her hair from her face. "Umm... we kind of... sort of... borrowed? ... yes, borrowed... a memory from Uncle Fao," she says softly, a bit of colour coming to her cheeks. Octavia tilts her head a little to one side, listening, and then she looks over to Fao to smile at him. "The others... they've never really had such opportunities," she offers, then lifts one of her shoulders in a faint shrug. <English>

McGuire says, "It just came to me and I couldn't let it go." He smiles and is glad for the chance to allow the girls the experiance. He turns his head, looking at all of them standing there with their sulected partners. "I have a recording of that kind of music in my cabin. I can patch it through the ships communications and play it out here." He looks at all of them, "Shall we have a ball today?" He offers to the crowd. <English>

Kyoshiro chuckles lightly, "Well, as long as it's innocent I don't mind." He gives Llew a kiss back before looking out over the men. "Still waiting to hear from Zank and Willow. So we arn't movin just yet." <English>

Octavia raises an eyebrow slightly as she looks to Fao, and a smile turns at the corners of her lips. "I am glad that it did just come to you. The girls have enjoyed it. It's given them quite a break," she muses, a thoughtful note to her voice. Then she gives a light laugh at his suggestion, her unusual eyes showing a bright sparkle to them before she gives a nod. "That would be wonderful, if you could. Although -- the girls all heard it as you remembered it," she adds, lifting her free hand to gesture slightly towards the girls.

The girls all seem brighter, happier. Llewelyn tilts her head a little to one side as she looks up at Kyoshiro, and she gives him a curious look. "Papa? Did you truly think there was something more going on?" she asks, giggling softly. "Oh, well... should we be concerned? Or is no news considered to be good news?" she asks, a flicker of worry coming to her voice. <English>

"Well who knows with you troublemakers, Especially the younger ones." Kyoshiro says with a chuckles, letting his hand run down the back of her head. "No, not overly concerned. I was just saying with nothing happening just yet we could have some sort of shindig." <English>

McGuire smiles wide and begins to dash towards the ship, "I wont be a moment. You should all like this." He says on his way up the ramp. His pace picks up once in, knowing the ship like the back of his hand. Up the spiral staircase, someday he'll install an elevater, and down the catwalk. Passing through the commons to the starboard hallway, to his room. Right where he left it, he grabs the chip and turns back to the hall. Once in the commons, he turns to the bridge and his second home. The chip goes in and the adjustments are made to play it and the same song as what was in his mind begins to play.

Outside, the Jia begins to hum and vibrate as the music begins to play out over the campsite. Fao begins his trek back to join the others. <English>

Llewelyn lightly shakes her head. "Papa! We haven't caused any troubles at all," she says, eyeing him. "Well, I mean... there was the mud fight last week, but I thought we cleaned that up rather well," she adds, ducking her chin and looking to him through her lashes. Then she lightly bounces on her toes. "A shindig, Papa? Really?" she asks, her eyes bright.

Octavia raises an eyebrow slightly as she watches Fao, and then she laughs lightly, her eyes reflecting amusement within them. She takes a moment to look up and over the ship then as the music plays, and a warm smile comes to her features. <English>

"Yeah why not?" Kyoshiro says with a chuckle, looking around at the others. "We're Gypsys... we're real good at all that." Already some of Churara are gathering ups some guitars and the like. <English>

McGuire is almost out of breath as he winds down the spiral staircase to the cargo bay floor. Long strides take him to the open hatch and the ramp. Stopping at the top, he looks out over all that are gathered below. All the girls are awake. No worse for were it would seem. Catching his breath, he looks over at Octavia and starts down the ramp, "Is that better?" Having real music play, much like what was in his mind, but heard by their own ears. <English>

"Oh! Well... I'm not going to argue at all," Llewelyn says, giving a nod to him. She smiles brightly, and then lowers one of her hands to smooth a wrinkle from the skirt of her dress. "A shindig might help with lightening everyone's hearts and spirits. I would hope it would boost morale amongst the troops and the like," she muses, a thoughtful tone to her voice.

Octavia gives a light laugh at the music, then brings her gaze to Fao as he approaches. And to him, she gives a nod. "Aye, 'tis better. It sounds different to hear it ourselves than to hear it through a memory," she says, her smile easily returning. <English>

McGuire steps up to Octavia and takes her in his arms, the dance continues. His lead is strong to start until she gets the hang of it, then it's right back to where they left off. The feel of the mountain air not a worry for him, the dance is what is here and now. <English>

"That's what I was thinking yes." Kyoshiro says with a chuckle, looking around at the people starting to gather and dance with each other a slight smile on his face. <English>

The day passes as the shindig winds down. The final piece of music comes to a close. Most of the food has been eaten, the drink has been drunk, the dances danced. Most of the soldiers go back to their duties, and the rest got back to their tents to sleep. The hour is late and the party was fun, raising moral of those upon the ledge.

Fao sits in a fold out lawn chair, smoking a cigarette and finishing the last of his bottle of rum. He's surprisingly not drunk, just tipsy a bit. Good thing he's sitting. <English>

Zank like Willow in the last few hours done some short recon as he made his way to the outskirts of the city. After dodging a few patrols and a fair amount of walking to were they stashed the MULE. He takes the vehicles across the country side towards we're he last knew the Jia to be. He quickly clears the check point and brings the MULE parked next to his long time home. <English>

McGuire sits in a lawn chair with an almost empty bottle of rum in one hand and cigarette in the other. The open space between the ship and the campsite for the soldiers has stragglers still at the shindig that is rapping up. The Jia is playing music from it, what was once classicle is now simple folk dancing music. No litter or any sign of a party around the site, except for what few still remain, dancing a jig or a quick step. Fao takes a drag from his cigarette, tapping his foot to the fast beat. <English>

Zank jumps off the MULE and looks around spotting the party and of course Fao pretending to be a old man. He walks up behind him finding a familiar position back and to the right of the man. we're he stood so long as Jia's XO "so this is what y'all do while I'm getting stabbed and blowing stuff up" he says grinning. <English> McGuire heard the MULE arrive and the footfalls up behind him. He smiles and says in a slightly tipy tone, "Better catch up son." He offer his near empty bottle of rum to the man and puffs on his cigarette. <English>

Zank grins and takes the offered bottle. He takes a pull. "won't be here long just checking in an grabbin some supplies. "Willow and I will start makeing more moves come day light" <English>