Boros - Legionaire War: The Plan

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Boros - Legionaire War: The Plan
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/22 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/05/23
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Esther, Has Characters in Scene::Ten, Has Characters in Scene::Amenadiel, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Jia
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::How we do this...
Log_Characters::Kyoshiro, Zank, Esther, Ten, Amenadiel, Willow Merryweather, Faoite McGuire, Jia

Kyoshiro is outside of the ship in the FOB the Battalion has set up around the Jia. He's going over a rotating holo map of the city. There are target markings where Anti-air implacements are as well as some identified Command assets like the one Zank and Willow took down only a day or two before. He's got a cigar between his lips, speaking in Romani with Company Sargents. There is an industrial sector on the edge of the town. "We need to take this sector and hold untill Heather can get MArines in. Then we will help them push. We'll be fighting building to building. It's not going to be pretty..." He zooms in on one of the other targets, "We also need to simultaniously take out theses soft targets, if we don't take out the Anti-air, we're guna loose Marines comming in." <English>

Zank is in the store house we're willown and he have been holding up. Still no sign of the other warehouse guards. Zank has returned from his trip back to the Jia and gotten a whole new swath of info. He stands with a map laid out across a table. Places of interest circled on the map as he studies the lay out of the surround city and its defenses. <English>

Esther had returned from one of her missions with good success. The armor-clad, sword-toting woman arrives to the table, glancing to the others around the table. Arms fold aross her chest as she studies the maps and listens to the commander. <English>

McGuire adjusts his gun belt, a hang over making his clothes feel funny on his body. Hefting the rifle on his shoulder, he makes his way down the ramp of the Jia to the campsite set up outside. The Jia sits high on a ledge of a mountain, chilly breezes whip past in gusts. Fao wraps his duster tightly around himself. <English>

"It's important to not get bogged down in the streets. If you have to move that way instead of finding a route through a back alley or yard. Move quick and don't even bother engaging untill you're inside a building." Kyoshiro says, "We'll be sending small teams to take out the anti air and command assets. The majority of the force will be assisting the Beachhead operations. Esther will be taking care of those units." He nods to her. <English>

Zank has been listening to Kyo's meeting through a basic encryption radio. "we'll try to take out a few more before y'all decide to push. your beach head plan is in the area were we are camped out so we should be able to make a little chaos to make your advance easier" he says as he looks at the map on his end <English>

Esther nods once to Kyo, "I have people getting ready as we speak for that operation." She says to Kyo. Though as Zank speaks, her dark gaze shifts to her old friend. <English>

McGuire listens and stays quit for a moment. He looks from Kyo, to Esther, then back again. He looks at the ship and says, "I'll go ask the girls what they see. One of them is claravoint, and they all share thoughts which inhance their powers." He pulls a deep breath, allowing what pain he feels to go through him as he exhales. He turns to the ship and starts back up. <English>

The store house is a fairly quiet place. On the stove of what serves as the kitch is a pot of stew simmering away. And there's the aroma of freshly baking bread there as well. The kitchen has even been cleaned and organized, to the point that such a thing is possible here. Willow sits on the floor in the kitchen, in a cross-legged position, her hands resting lightly in her lap and her green eyes closed.

Quietly down the ramp of the ship comes Ten, along with Amenadiel. The pair of them don't speak with one another as they make their way towards the camp where the plans are being spoken of. <English>

Kyoshiro takes a moment after nodding to Esther and Zank, "That should be it, I'll take any questions. OTher than that, dismissed. We'll move out as soon as I can relay and confirm this with Commander Jacy. Dismissed." Noone seems to have any questions as the Company Seargents and their Battalion Sargents head out to go make indicidual plans and preperations amungst them selves. <English>

Zank talks before signing off "good luck y'all" he says and closes the comm. He studies the map a moment more then realizes then smell and looks around. He follows the smell of the food to its source. "So you fight and can cook hu..." he laughs "hell we might have t' keep ya around if your such a jack of all trades. Pluse I would love to see Kyo get annoyed by havin another persons cookin challenge his." <English>

Esther glances to Kyoshiro as he dismisses the group. Quietly, she steps back from the table, adjusting the scabard slightly. She has been pretty quiet through these encounters. She has been following orders, taking her people where they are needed to be. She turns from the table, silently padding away with a few of her most trusted men. <English>

McGuire stops, Amenadiel and Ten coming up even with him. He turns to follow the pair to the command center. Something is up, he knows he allows them to read his mind so perhaps it's to answers the questions he has, or something else. It's the something else that perks the old man up. The quest at hand, like a new explorer on the cusp of undescovered frontiers. Maybe he's read to many old Earth That Was stories of heros and villains, but dispite his hang over, he feels young again. Alive. He walks them up to Kyo and the map table. <English>

Willow raises an eyebrow slightly as she hears him enter into the kitchen. A smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she gives a small nod, her eyes opening. Turning her head, she looks to him, and a hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips. "Oh, no... I doubt my cooking could rival his. It's just a stew, and some fresh bread," she says softly, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "There are a lot of things that I don't know," she adds, lifting a hand to brush a bit of hair from her face.

Amenadiel raises an eyebrow slightly, and then he shakes his head a touch, a small smile touching at the corners of his lips. He's holding one of Ten's small hands in one of his hands. And to her eyes, there is an odd and distant look, as though she's not seeing here and now, but somewhere far away. "The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry," intones Ten. <English>

"Oh it'll go to Gusa somewhere down the line. You can plan on that. Taking cities always go down the drain..." Kyoshiro comments to Amen and Ten as they move towards him along with Fao. He's watching Esther walk away though, smoking his cigar slowly. "She's been quiet seince she's been here..." Then a look over to the others. <English>

McGuire says aloud but softly, "I've found those plans are generaly about equal." He says to Kyo, "She's a lot on her plate, like the rest of us." With that, he studies Ten and says to Amen, "What is she seeing?" He askes, knowing their minds are connected. He crouches down to get eye level with her, still studying her face. <English>

Zank laughs and goes to look at the food. "well smells good and thanks. Nothin like a warm meal.." he says "the invasion will start soon..ready to raise some more hell my friend?" <English>

Amenadiel came along because Ten requested him to come, most likely. All he does is keep hold of her hand -- a protective and stoic presence along with her. "I cannot see what she sees," Amenadiel says quietly, a gentle note to his voice. Ten weras a simple sundress, and no shoes or socks at all. "Extra forces, there will be. The men, they think loudly," she says distantly. Her unheld hand then does she open, and she steps forward to place a pebble on the table. "One man," she says. Then she adds more pebbles. "Many men. The more, the louder, the easier to hear. Night Angel and her disciples may reach, may listen. Teach them to shelter their thoughts, or there will be deaths in greater numbers," she adds.

Willow gives a small nod, a faint smile touching at the corners of her lips. "And so, the killing will begin again. There are times when I wonder if ever it truly will end," she says softly, exhaling a soft sigh. "I will kill those that need killing," she adds, looking to Zank and giving a small smile. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over and raises an eyebrow, looking ten over a moment. "You want to give anti-reader training to these mens... that's all on you, Ten. Better get to it because we only have a limited window here." <English>

McGuire sighs and says, "I got this. I'll begin emediatly." He turns to Kyo, "Stop thinking Mibu." as if it where that easy. He begins to move towards the campsite, urging all the men to gather around. His own thoughts going to the Mares Eat Oats. The plan is simple, no thought or the nursery rhyme, ingrain it in their heads. Get them to sing it a time or one hundred. Silence would be better, but orders is orders and they have to follow. <English>

Zank shakes his head "nope never does" he says simply finding bowels for them. "been round long enough to have figure that out. world still turns though" <English>

Ten gives Amenadiel's hand a faint squeeze, and then she releases it. The look in her eyes is no longer distant, instead being upon the here and now. And she looks like a tired little girl. And her gaze turns to Kyoshiro, studying him for a long moment. Quietly. "We try to cover them all, as many as we can. We may have lived for decades, but... we are still teenagers, for the most part. We are only so strong, so far reaching. The battle is coming. Families will be sundered apart, broken. Left without mothers, without fathers. Children left without parents," she says intently. To those who know her from interacting with her previously, she's not entirely behaving like herself or speaking in the normal way she does. "Each life is important, and we are trying to save those that we can," she adds. It will make their troop numbers seem smaller, at least.

Willow gives Zank a little smile, and then she nods. "The world still turns, the world still burns," she says softly, and then she shakes her head a touch. "One day... I'll have to find a way out of this business I'm in," she muses, exhaling a soft sigh. <English>

"I've seen war, I lived it. I know exactly what it does. No matter how hard you try, people still die." Kyoshiro says flatly watching Fao move off and then looking between Amen and Ten. "I did not ask you to shield them. I also wasn't aware until now that it was required or was something we should be doing. Perhaps we all should be communicating better, yeah?" There is a pause, "Do what you can until Fao is done doing what it is he is doing. I already recieved this training." It should at least free them up for something else. <English>

Zank chuckles "you ever want a way out I have some folk that might be able to help." he says and serves them both some bread and stew "if you like Beylix that is" <English>

McGuire begins the instruction on how to shut off ones mind. Finding the right sing song tune, or the hum, or just a blank mind. Taking what time he needs to instill this concept into each of them. Pressing silence if possible and showing them steps to achieve it. He seems well versed in the concept, having put years into it. <English>

The girl furrows her brow at part of what's said, or perhaps at something else, and then she sort of bows in his direction. Stepping forward, she reclaims her handful of pebbles, and then she turns and goes running back to the ship, up the ramp and back on board. Stopping for nothing along the way. Amenadiel gives a slight shake of his head after watching her retreat. Then his attention turns to Kyoshiro, watching him. "It's what they do. Try to protect. It's in their genetic composition to have that instinct to do so," he says softly, a thoughtful note to his voice. "They shelter me from what they see," he adds, his brow furrowing slightly. "With a plan made, there came the need for that planto be protected from being sussed out," he muses, then lifts one of his shoulders in a slight shrug.

The redheaded woman looks to Zank, and she quirks a smile. "I wouldn't want to put others in danger because of me," she says softly, giving a nod to him. "Perhaps my debt will have been sufficiently paid after this," she muses. She accepts the bread and stew from him, inclining her head towards him. "Thank you." <English>

Zank again grins even laughs "fair enough, but yea ever stop feeling so righteous let me know" he says "though might have to tell myself that at some point too" he admits. <English>

Kyoshiro watches as Ten runs away, "Something I said?" HE asks with a single raised eyebrow before he looks to Amen. "If one wants to protect, they must realize they can't do it alone or as one. The need to share the burdon, for taking it all as one will only hamper their efforts." He crosses his arms over his chest, "I know what she means. I don't want them blacking out again like they did or over stressing their abilities..." <English>

McGuire is busy with the troopes, busy in instruction. It may sound funny with all the silly rhymes and songs, but he encourages each person to find their own comfortable mental guard. He will take as much time as needed to assist. <English>

Amenadiel shakes his head slightly, a smile touching at the corners of his lips. "I don't think we'll know for certain. But the girls... well. They have seen war as well. And I think they have had glimpses of the one which comes, though this is only suspicion on my part. If they do, they do not share such with me," he says in a thoughtful tone. "It is not just one of them that wants to protect. I suspect that they have been taking turns, in groups, to do the protecting. But this, again, is only suspicion," he says, then lifts one of his shoulders in a faint shrug.

For the time being, Willow occupies herself with eating both the stew and the bread. The latter is dipped into the gravy of the stew, then eaten. "Sometimes, we all need a chance to get away for what's 'normal' for us," she muses, a smile touching her lips as she looks to him. <English>

Reguardless I don't think there is anything we can do to convince them otherwise." Kyoshiro says to Amen. He takes a look over towards Fao and his 'class' before he starts to head towards the ship. "I better see if I can't contact Heather..." He heads up the ramp of the Jia. <English>