Iroquois Pliskin

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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Iroquois Pliskin
Full name Iroquois Jensen Pliskin
Date of Birth 2495
Siblings Ichabod Pliskin, Charlene Pliskin, Castiel 'Cass' Pliskin, Fergus Pliskin, Ruby Pliskin, Megan 'Meg' Pliskin, Adam Pliskin
Spouse Nope
Children Maybe?
Assignment Lieutenant, Third Division - Kris Shena Churara
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Brown, Blue
Status NPC
Education Information

General Education
Alliance Military

Military Service

Alliance SAS


{{#ask:Log Characters::~*Iroquois* |?Log IC Date |?Log OOC Date |?Log Short Summary |format=broadtable |limit=20 |link=all |sort=Log OOC Date |order=desc |headers=show |mainlabel=Scene Logs |searchlabel=… further results |class=sortable wikitable smwtable }}