Day Drinking

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Day Drinking
Location: Log_Location::Jia IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2541/08/08 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/10/04
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::
Log_Characters::Jia, Zank, Kyoshiro, Faoite McGuire, Willow Merryweather

Zank is cleaning up the mess that was his work bench. All its projects seemlingly thrown across a distance from the bench. Some of them smashed, other seem unfased. He seems to be just trying to get things back in order. <English>

Kyoshiro had seperated from the group after they left in order to talk to some contacts. Vanessa was still missing at that seemed to be on his mind lately. He had started drinking again so maybe it was more likely he had hit the local liquor store too. HE comes up the ramp and looks over at the mess, raising an eyebrow but dosn't ask. <English>

McGuire had to get his mug and make coffee. He steps out onto the catwalk and yells over the side into the cargo bay, "Anyone want a drink? Coffee, rum, whiskey?" He leans over the rail to look below. <English>

Zank looks over as Kyo comes in and he pauses a second looking at the man and then he turns and goes back to work silent. He picks up a smashed peice of wood that was carved and decorated. A toy for Madeline. He runs his finger over it and he then throws it away. He looks up at Fao and shakes his head "Im fine." <English>

Kyoshiro glances up to Fao then looks back to Zank. "Something I should know about?" He asks a bit sternly before reaching into his pack to pull out a bottle covered in a brown bag. "Got my own... thanks..." <English>

McGuire notes the brown paper bag and doesn't care what it is and hopes Kyo will share. He trods the catwalk to the stairs and starts down. "Nothing much. Just a plot to distroy crazy child before we all end up bleeding out our eye's." He turns around the spiral till he reaches the bottem. "I took three showers just make sure." He holds his mug up at Kyo, "May I?" He askes, his mug has coffee in it, but Fao has already taken three good sips from it. <English>

Zank looks at Kyo and then the bottle. He goes back to what hes doing "No." he says simply going back to cleaning up his work bench. <English>

"You talking 'bout Wendy?" Kyoshiro asks un-corking the bottle with his teeth and spitting it across the cargo bay. He pours Fao a drink till his cup runith over and then takes himself a long drag from the bottle. He lets out a grunt and a horse sigh before inhailing sharply. "Stings... that's a good thing..." Then looks to Zank. "Really? You're all emo. Should I pull out the long baggy pants and chains from pockets for you?" Then another drink before he lights a cigar. "She'll have to get taken care of. She's far to gorram evil for my taste. But right now, she's too valuble to us as a well of information and pull." <English>

Zank just rolls his eyes and goes about his work. "Your one to t' talk..." he says as Kyo pokes at him about being quiet. He throws away another project and contiunes to pick up the tools. <English>

It's possible in his little trip around town Kyo had stopped in a bar for a few drinks before returning to the ship which is why he was more chatty. "Alright. I'll leave ya be." HE takes another good swig. <English>

McGuire takes his finger and stirs the new mix, the coffee was really hot, but Fao's nerves are pretty shot at his age. Taking a sip, he breaths out the fumes. "Smooth." He looks over at Zank, "I thought about what you said before, and you mean finish what Mibu and I started on Serenity Valley, you meant because that was near your last stand," He steps closer to Zank, "Well son, I couldn't do that if I were paid. You mean to much to me to see you gone before your time. There is a lot we have left to do and you are needed Lines." He holds his mug with two hands at his chest level, his full attention on Zank. <English>

Kyoshiro blinks looking a FAo, "Shwhat?" He asks, not sure what it was they started. <English>

Zank looks over "I was mad Fao...let sleepin dogs lie alright." he says putting another tool away. "I ment what i said....Im gonna kill Wendy. An if someone tries to stop me ill kill them too..." he says "Ill play along be a good boy...swear to that miserable bastard in the sky. Ill do my part make sure everyone gets home." He says glancing as Kyo with a hard breif glance. "But shes gonna die." <English>

McGuire nods and takes a sip from the mug. He lowers the mug and says in his calm tone, "I wont stop you. Might even help." He takes another sip and was about to ask what he was mad about, but let sleeping dogs lie stops him. He moves to the weight bench and sits, pulling his pouch out to get a smoke. <English>

Kyoshiro blinks and raises an eyebrow. He looks like he might say something profount but instead just burps and takes another swig from his bottle. "Sounds boring. Good luck..." He looks to Fao, "She's like that Ogden Davis guy I read about in Jade's Journal that she left in the Commanders Officer. She's been one step ahead of us thus far." <English>

McGuire tilts his head to the side at that name and his neck cracks. He straitens his back, sitting up straiter. He can see the comparison, "Got his in the end, just like she will when this is over." He brings the mug up to his lips and relives the whole Ogden Davis killed my first wife affair. "Which brings me back to <English> McGuire continues, "Salin. Fawzy was the commander that let him get away when I had him cornered. He might be the one behind this attack on the Senator. It's not for sure, just a thought." he takes another drink. <English>

Zank takes a breath and lets the topic drift off of him. He lets them talk. He cant remember this Salin. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over to Fao, "You need to stop thinking..." he says as he fills up FAo's cup again which means more liquor than coffee now. <English>

McGuire nods and takes a sip of the stronger stuff and his eye's widen, "Wha..." Choked on the strength of this sip. He swallows, trying to stiffle the burn, "What is this?" He askes, his breath on fire, or so it feels like it. <English>

Kyoshiro takes another swig, "151... you've never had 151? THey call it 151 because that's the Alchahol per volume... Gusa lays normal people on the ground after three shots." <English>

McGuire looks to Zank and laughs, still burning in his throat. He takes his free hand and taps the bend on his arm like a crack head getting ready to use the needle, "Think we'll make a million?" <English>

Zank grins "Nah the Feds will take it all...remember they get all your stuff now" he says <English>

McGuire jerks forward as if snapping his finger in a shucky darn, "Gorram it." <English>

"They can't take it if it's under and LLC." Kyoshiro says to the two, "Then the LLC owns it. Would be a nice Kumpania." <English>

Zank looks at Kyo. "Ya know they come up with some reason t' take it." he says and puts another set of tools back. <English>

McGuire takes a drink, blowing out the fumes, getting kind of use to it. "All our lives, and for the rest of mine. I say we fake our deaths and go illagite. Life on a run has a freeing quality about it for some reason." <English>

Zank looks over "Go Illagite?....hell i think were there..." <English>

Kyoshiro dosn't say anything, he just drinks <English>

McGuire says, "Aside from not taking the tracker in my butt, I've never been more legit than when I was in the Alliance. Sure they have me where they want me. I'm sure Rojo had to go through hoops bells and whistles to get me this far." He looks at Kyo, "I don't remember Mibu ever facing the courts yet, although his charge isn't treason, but the I'm sure the paperwork was just as bad as mind. I can' fart without Alliance hearing about it." <English>

Zank shrugs "Guess well have to wait an see...." <English>

"You know... I didn't toss my lot in with you folks so that you all could fake your deaths and go running amok through the Gods-damned 'Verse like crazy-assed fools thinking no one would report you for seeing you all alive," comments a voice from the railing. An annoyed and familiar Willow voice. "And where, do you think, you lot would end up if -that- happened?" <English>

McGuire looks up and starts to laugh, "See?" He starts to laugh harder. Seems Fao's getting drink. <English>

Zank looks up as Willow speaks. He puts another set of tools away and then looks up again "Oh im sure were ever it is i go 'You' will find me an kick my ass..." he says "Though it would be a fun game...." he says museing "Maybe someday..." <English>

Kyo shakes his head. "I'm relativly sure, FAo... that the reason Willo took up her position as your escourt was so the Alliance didn't know every single aspect of your life. Especially the ones you didn't want them to know..." He looks towards Willow, "Yeah... I don't know how it dosn't enter their thought process. It's like they have some hard-on for that kinda thing. THey don't realize the gift thy've been given." <English>

McGuire lays back on the weight bench, somehow keeping the mug level and not spilling it. "I'm just glad you are on our side." His laughing fit calming down a bit. <English>

Zank looks at Kyo "Hey i never said i wanted to fake my death...that was him..." he says trying to defend himself.' <English>

McGuire starts up again ... laughing. <English>

"You dare risk any of that stupid-assed bullshit and I swear on my red hair that I will kick -all- of your asses, collectively and soundly," Willow states, leaning forward on the railing and looking over the lot of them. Then she pulls up her left sleeve, revealing her forearm, though there's no real visible thing there. "Do you think that they do not know -exactly- where I am, every single moment of my life?" she asks. "They track -me- so they don't -have- to track -you-." Then she turns, stalks through the door, and finds a way of slamming it. <English>

McGuire cringes at the slam. "Been told." Taking another drink, only getting drunker. <English>

McGuire adds, "I could find a way to remove that tracker. Wonder if ssshe'd be in fer that." <English>

"I didn't... say anything... Why am I involved in this?" Kyoshiro says taking another swig and flinches as the hatchway slams. "Christ... did we just tell her she couldn't go to the dance with Jimmy Withersfield or something?" He moves to start up the stairs. "Ya'll are a bunch of morons." <English>

Zank shakes his head and looks at Fao and Kyo. "Stay....Drink" he says moveing towards the stairs. He goes up the stairs and is suprised that the hatch is actually wedged shut a bit by the force of Willow closeing it. He sholders its a bit and it opens following after the angry red head. Smart...probably not...but its Zank...So..yea.." <English>

McGuire looks to Zank, "We were just ... talk'n. Not gunna do that." He stands up and sits back down hard. Laying down, "Ok." Is all he says, closing his eyes. <English>

Kyoshiro raises his hands and backs off, "Alright lover boy..." He heads back down the stairs to drink. <English>