Everyone Knows It's Wendy

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Everyone Knows It's Wendy
Location: Log_Location::Sihnon IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2541/08/06 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/10/03
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::
Log_Characters::Jia, Kyoshiro, Zank, Faoite McGuire

Getting the paperwork needed to get both Kyoshiro and McGuire off world was I.N.S.A.N.E. Doctor Rojo at one point sent a message that simply read 'Dudes.' and her middle finger. Ever so...very ladylike.

Eventually however, there's temporary clearance, and to do so...McGuire and Kyoshiro have somehow been entered into the database as needed for medical assistance, aka, community service and they are even issued dark purple overalls, onesies and boring laceless tennis shoes. They are also accompanied by a small group of security guard.

At the spaceport, Doctor Rojo...the feisty doctor who looks alot like the comatose Senator, just younger and slightly less curvy, is waiting dressed in a smart pants suit and a white coat, hair pulled back in a slightly more neat ponytail as she holds a brief case and arches an eyebrow. <English>

Kyoshiro was not wearing his issued garb. He absolutly refused and would likely injure anyone who forced him to. Nope... that just wasn't going to happen. He still had his damn pride. He instead wore the same outfit he has been through out this entire ordeal on the core with the cloak and hood over that to stave off paparazzi. He smokes a cigar as he moves behind Doctor Rojo and with whoever else tagged along. <English>

Zank follows Kyo. Still ever dressed his normal way. Though missing the weapons <English>

McGuire is quick to put on the jump suit and shoes when news of the doctors arrival is confermed. He doesn't mind the security guards, he's not intending trouble on this rock, just fact finding. He, unlike his friend, did not want to make waves. This was to important in his estimation. <English>

Doctor Rojo takes a few steps forward, offering McGuire a nod and offering him a plastic print-out of the itenerary. "I think Old Age actually makes that man-jumper work for you Mister McGuire. Here is our schedule." She looks between Zank and Kyoshiro, eyes narrowing before she just sighs. "You...are supposed to be my assistant. Doing ya know community service, not fuc-you know what. Nevermind. We'll get you some scrubs when we get there." A look to Zank. "Annnnd who are you?" <English>

Kyoshiro raises an eyebrow at Doctor Rojo but doesn't say anything back. Though, he looks to Zank as she addresses him. Another blink before looking back to the doctor. <English>

Zank looks at the Doctor. He tilts his head sideways. "Personal body guard the the Churara commander. Were he goes I go. Duty bound honor till my death reguardless of his temporary incarceration. By order of the Elders council of the People." he says rather simply with no hint of comedic or sarcastic intention. <English>

McGuire looks down at the get up he is in, "When we're done with this, I'll use it to greese the engine of the ship and do maintenance and the like." He shrugs slightly and looks to Kyo, then Zank. He says, "I signed that order." Turning to the doctor, "I'm an elder on the council. Can we still get in?" <English>

Doctor Rojo just looks from person to person before nodding to McGuire and rolling her eyes at Kyoshiro but she doesn't /seem/ mad but she is huffy because that's her...regular mode as she starts walking along. "So, technically I am meeting with pharmaceutical executives and scientists from Blue Sun to make a decision on whether or not to use a special new treatment regimen for my patients." She pauses in looks between the three men as she continues to walk along, in sensible shoes of course. "I am one of the medical professionals licensed and approved to treat Syndrome Y outside of the camps." <English>

Kyoshiro glances between Fao and Zank, then grumbles something incombrehencable. "And so when you head in we look busy doing Community Service and looking around for anything out of the ordinary? Or did you have something else in mind?" Kyoshiro asks in his usual huskey tone though a bit more hushed so that only those close to them can hear. <English>

Zank plays the role of silent body guard. He follows eyes looking around not out of fear for Kyo just more that he dosnt like this place. <English>

McGuire looks at the agenda and says, "We're not getting to the blood sample till after we follow the good doctor here on her rounds." He looks to Kyo, "You bring picks?" Raising his arms, "As you can see, I left all my gear on Deadwood." He turns to the doctor, "We'll try not to get in your way." He guestures to the building they shouldn't be entering are going to anyway, "After you." <English>

"No, I brought you to carry boxes, lift heavy things...this is your community service." Rojo clarifies as time skips forward to bring them closer to the facility. "And we do not need a blood sample, I already have that." She eyes the guards following them. "I need to do a comparison between their products and what I have found." She then turns to the men and places her hands on her hips. "To /enter/ this facility we have to do a /full/ body decontamination and put on hygenic clothing. Hence, why I had them shoot over the flattering onsie so you'd have less to take off and put back on." She shakes her head. "When we get in here. Remove your shoes, anything metalic, strip down to your underwear and walk through the room of pressurized air. At the other side, there will be a set of scrubs, booties, and a cap to cover your hair. Any questions?" They have neared what seems to be a non-descript building...save for the heavy security equipment in the form of cameras and security guards. <English>

"Well if you had explained that before I would have just worn a t-shirt and some shorts..." Kyoshiro says with a sigh and a shake of his head. "No questions from me, let's just get going..." <English>

Zank blinks "You sent only 2" he comments off hand still walking. <English>

McGuire grins and says, "I'm ready, but who would of thought that today was the day I went commando." He shrugs, "You're a doctor, you've seen it all before." He follows along, ready for this little adventure in tote and carry. <English>

The doctor just looks at Kyoshiro. "I'm a doctor, I took an oath." A look to Zank. "And nobody told me /you/ were coming." Back to Kyoshiro. "My mother's life is on the line, and you think I'd make any special requests in preparation for this...without a /reason/?" Rojo takes a deep and calming breath before she just shows a badge and speaks to a security guard and they are let into the building via a sliding door. Paperwork is given to someone at a silver reception desk and badge produced to confirm credentials before she gestures to the posse she is bringing and then nods.

There's a glass window in a room that is monitored, it is white and filled with various hoses and such, probably the decom room. To get into it however, there's a small locker room where clothing is removed, and stored in numbered lockers. It appears this is where the guards that came with them to Osiris are staying as the Doctor goes into the changing area to strip down and walk calmly through the white room as pressurized air blows on her, then she dissapears into the room behind that to get dressed in the light blue scrubs provided, complete with booties and the hair covering. She is not as generously proportioned as her mother, and she has far more tattoos but there are genetic qualities that bless the females in that family. Perhaps why she is so prickly in personality. <English>

Kyoshiro carefully removes each article of clothing and puts it methoically and neatly into a locker that's provided to him. He minds himself. His muscles re thick. If anything of the Doctor can be seen he dosn't look on purpose or attempt to in the least bit. He is very observant of his suroundings still though, at least until they get into the locker room. He moves through decon quietly and without a fuss before putting those scrubs on. He's seen shrivly naked Fao before. Nothing new there. <English>

Kyoshiro has scars over most if not all of his body. Only a few gunshots, most are from scars, shrapnel, or torture. <English>

Zank does much the same as Kyo. His body has scars and such but nothing compared to Kyo. The only thing that might match in terms of old wounds is Zank's back. It is a play ground of remodeled and grafted skin. A large burn covers hiim from neck to below his belt line. Some scars dot the back of his legs but it seems containted to his back. He quickly moves throuhg the process and finds his scrubs "I want my coat back" he mutters to no one. <English>

McGuire is quick to stash the shoes and jumper in the locker. He steps into the next stage and gets prossessed, moving to the next room where more clothes and booties await. Fao, for his age, is sculpted Devenchy. His thick body is scared from the life he's lived, but every muscle is etched properly in place. His back looks like it's been through a grinder, his side still shows signs of recent bullets entering his body, his shoulders hold deep marks from sharp something striking him. He's the poster boy for learning how to perry. His tattoos are battle scars on this very fit older man. He slips on the new clothes, looking to the doctor to follow. <English> "And I want a magical bucket that just produces credits every time I tip it over." Doctor Rojo drawls softly in response to Zank as they walk down a hall, lots of rooms...all with glass walls, people wearing scrubs, lab coats, gloves...hair covers, sometimes facemasks. Lots of vials and microscopes and mixing stations and computers. It is lab.

They meet up with a pair of individuals who wear dark blue scrubs. "Doctor Rojo, we are so glad you have come. Please follow us into the meeting room." They look at the three men and then gesture to a pair of large silver chests/cases. "If you'd please?" Then they walk with Doctor Rojo into one of the few rooms that appears to have walls you can't see through. <English>

Kyoshiro resists the urge to be the Acually meme guy and explain how credits are fake money that's printed out of nowhere like said bucket but he thinks better of it and simply grimaces at the joke. "This is like that old movie..." Kyoshiro says, "You know the one that was like... They break the vile and the big bad desies breaks out and starts killin' folk. I feel like I'm trapped down here waiting for that to happen." <English>

Zank grins slightly at the doctors comments and contiunes to follow. He then looks at Kyo with narrowed eyes "Lets not think like that yea sir.." he says <English>

McGuire remains silent, dispite the urge to laugh at Kyo's comment, and observent as he does what he's told. Taking up a chest/case with what seems like little to no effort, to carefully carry it where they say. He notes any markings and puts to memory the path they take, just in case. Old habits. <English>

"You have them trained so well, I heard that you all were somewhat...conservative in your little Londinium labs but are you also participating in the convict rehabilitation process utilizing chemical and biological means?" One of the Execs inquires of the good Doctor, who doesn't punch anybody in the face but instead gestures towards the guys with a shrug. "No. They volunteered to help. They are as passionate as I am about helping people with Syndrome Y live full and pain free lives."

It seems the the 2 execs and the pharmicist seem to be at ease around the three men, turning to ask them curiously. "You volunteered? Are you a 'caring about others' geeks like the Doctor here? With Humanitarianism on your 'hobby' list?"

As they turn to address the three men, Doctor Rojo is mouthing ahd communicating 'don't screw this up', complete with the finger across the throat gesture. <English>

Kyoshiro looks over to one of the exects who asks the question. He takes a moment before responding, putting his hands behind his back. "Well if the Alliance was founded on Altruism and Socialist ideals. I must say... if they put someone like you, who just blasted the charitable and important work of the Doctor here, in charge of carring for people and finding a cure I guess people like us are indeed Charitable, kind, and wanting a better place for the rest of the 'verse. Instead of waiting our time cacking jokes at the expense of those suffering..." He keeps looking at the executive. <English>

Zank was about to say something but Kyo beats him too it. He just stands there holding his box. Waiting. He peaks over to the Doctor as Kyos comment. <English>

McGuire is gypsy and master of disguise, his tone is easy and his demenor calm and acceptable, "We can only do what we can do when we can do it." He smiles to them and continues to heft the chess/case with him as he follows along. <English>

The executive just stares at Kyoshiro for a moment before her counterpart smiles and laughs softly. "Oh my, aren't you...something." Then both executives just laugh breezily and nod to both McGuire and Zank. They gestures towards a display table. "Set the chests down over there please." Then they turn to the Scientist. "This is doctor..." Then they both look somewhat terrified as the door opens to admit a slender young looking woman. Her skin is somewhat tan, and she wears a pair of blue rimmed glasses...and she can't be over the age of 16, maybe 17, black hair tucked under that hair covering and her scrubs are dark blue with light blue stars on them as she smiles sweetly and gives a small bounce. "Aha! I heard the Doctor Rojo was coming to Osiris to look at some of my work, so I just had to come and see you."

Doctor Rojo even looks like she pales a bit.

The Executive clears her throat and gestures towards the girl. "Um, this is Doctor Wendy Nessay." Otherwise known as the child genius who became a doctor at 14, and helped work create the vaccine for Syndrome Y and who has caused many sane man to fear. That sweet smile and those bright eyes...just too sweet and too bright. <English>

Kyoshiro grimacs a bit as the executives brush his words aside. Though, he's not effected for too long as he knows Zank and Fao understood him well enough. He puts his box down where asked and turns to look as soon as Wendy enters. His brows narrow and he leans in towards Zank and Fao. "Is it me, or did Dougie Houser just walk in?" The clears his throat and straintens up, giving a slight bow. <English>

Zank just blinks and goes to put the box down as required. Kyo's joke goes COMPLETLY over his head. He glances at Kyo again and then looks at the Doctor. He moves against the wall and stays quiet watching. Again waiting. <English>

McGuire says softly to Kyo in Romani, "The female version." Knowing the refrence he spoke of. He sets the chess down next to where Kyo put his and steps to the side to watch. His perfect mind taking in everything from body stance to voice veriation, to what is said. Walking talking monitor recorder, he waits. <English>

"Dougie Houser..." Wendy thinks about this for a moment before her hand moves to her mouth and she laughs, a trilling sound that should be happy and bright but is almost sinister in its perfectly spaced huffs of air and she points at Kyoshiro. "You are quite amusing. What's your name?" She asks, moving closer to Kyoshiro and tilting her head to the side. "I think I read a file on the genetic...make-up of people like you. The pigmentation of your eyes is so fascinating, if it could be duplicated through genetic modification to cloned samples...imagine the unnatural colors we'd be able to produce."

Doctor Rojo clears her throat. "Um, Doctor Nessay. I am here to look at the treatment..."

Wendy turns and just narrows her eyes, not at the Doctor but at the Scientist who was there originally and said Scientist beats a hasty retreat. Then the young doctor smiles again. "Are you /really/ here for Syndrome Y treatment? Alll the way out here, talking to these incompetant and greedy creditmunchers?" She tsks softly. "They probably would've taken your money and then messed with your credentials so you lost your clearance to actually get the treatment and then Kyoshiro Tycho, Fao Mcguire and Zank Lines...probably would've been arrested for some trumpedup charge of something related to breaking terms and maybe been killed by a mysterious accident..." She sighs breathily. "Would've been like, such a mess!" <English>

Kyo could say some old man things to the young Doctor. Repsect your elders, call her a little girl. THough, he dosn't do that. He stays quiet and glances over to the executives and then to the doctor who left, the stain on the front of the pants of his scrups. He looks back Wendy. "It's as the Doctor says. We're here to help the Doctor with her treatment..." He's not necessarily lieing and he's not trying in the least bit but before he came out and said 'wait is it you want' he wanted to make sure that there was no other option left. <English>

Zank blinks and stands ready. Not sure what is about to happen, but he tenses slightly. <English>

McGuire takes a chance, "It's a good thing you came along Wendy." Using her first name so freely is the chance he takes. He knows brilliant honesty when he hears it and comes clearn, "We're here to sust the drug used on Doctor Rojo's mother, the Senator, to determan who has access to it to perhaps narrow down our search for who hurt her and killed two judges that rained over our case. It is imparitive we bring them to juctise. Doctor Rojo allowed us to tag along in hopes the extra eye's might see something out of the ordenary." He motions to the door and says, "Which we just witnessed." Looking back to Nessey, "However your work is facinating to say the least. Worth witnessing if you please, continue." He speaks to her as a person, a real human being. Even in his blunt addmitance, he holds no fear in his stance or tone. <English>

"You are no fun." Wendy offers to Kyoshiro. She moves and talks like someone who probably skipped the social development skills of a child or teenager and went straight to dealing with Adults. Just ya know, with childish tones and mannerisms. Doctor Rojo looks uncertainly to the executives and then back to Wendy, perhaps contemplating the lesser of tht two evils.

The child genius though turns to regard McGuire in a new light, making her way now to his side and staring at him as she speaks. "Senator Rochelle? Oh the poor woman. How do you know a drug was used? I heard she slipped and fell in the shower after using narcotics and maybe alcohol. I mean, I suppose I do not blame her for such use of vices after dealing with your dreeeadfully boring trial. I watched the entire thing. Deadwood is a fascinating planet. It is so very fortunate that because of how long it takes shipments to get out there, a planet that exports most things was never negatively impacted by the infected product that actually started the spread of Syndrome Y. Blue Sun doesn't ship the same products out there as they do closer to the core I suppose..." She then blinks and makes her way towards a chest, unlocking it with a finger print and swinging it open as it is filled with vials.

"You know...Justice, sounds alot like Just This. It is also a morally relative term. For example, if there was proof that Miss Lancaster and Miss Gregori were planning to trick and take advantage of you all, would it not be Justice to see what happens if they are injected with an /experimental/ vaccine that may or may not actually give them the very condition it is supposed to help treat or cure?" She selects a vial and toys with it. "I wonder..." <English>

Kyoshiro turns his head to the side. "Justice requires evidence and proof in orer to be served." He looks over towards the two Executives, "If these two are indeed guilty of what you say they are than perhaps they should volunteer." He looks back towards the young Doctor, "Tell me Doctor... did you ever recieve my blood that I gave to Doctor Jameson? It was meant to go towards your study on fighting this disiese. I never heard any word on what happened to it or if it helped." <English>

McGuire steps over to the exit to block it with his wide body. His eye's upon Lancaster and Gregori an errie smile on his face. He has no questions at this point, only a smug belief that what Wendy says is true. Her kind of brilliance doesn't lie. He folds his arms over his massive chest, the massive gypsy blocking the door. He did not bring in any weapons, because he is a weapon and knows how to use it. <English>

Zank continues to watch eyeing the two executives. He keeps more an eye on the new nightmare of how that is this little girl and then looks at Fao and Kyo. He looks to the doctor who brought them here and stands tense. He doesn't say anything. nothing worth saying yet. Kyo echoes his sentiments as much as he would like nothing more than to see the supposed betrayal avenged. <English>

"Listen...Doctor Nessay, we don't want any trouble. Consider the dangers if it does happen to be..." Doctor Rojo tries to be the voice of reason.

Wendy just spins around and glares. "You can't catch it airbourne. So what if they start bleeding from their eyes and hemmoraging from their ears. We're in a lab, they have people to clean things like that up."

The Doctor Rojo though also seems to be edging towards the door. "Mr McGuire...Mr Kyoshiro and Mr Zank, I think perhaps we should..."

Wendy turns around from where she's filling a syringe. "You should stay to see the experiment. It is very possible that one, or both of these money making professionals were planning on double-crossing you. It is also very possible that one or both of these money making professions are entirely innocent. Afterall, dealing in absolutes is in an of itself a game of variables." She giggles softly. "If there /is/ a mystery drug...I'm sure I can find out where it came from. After all, a large shipment of a very special product of mine did recently go missing. So, lets do an experiment..." She gestures between the two women. "Who should walk away from here without anything new in their blood stream? Pick one, and I will let you help me find who stole it and bring them to justice." <English>

Kyoshiro raises an eyebrow and kid of non-chalantly looks towards Fao and Zank, "Huh... well she's got torture down already." He looks back to the two executives she is threatning, noticing his own question goes unanswered. He dosn't see afraid of the desiese. He knew he was immune which is why a sample of his blood was taken so long ago. "So who's the Control then if we need one in order to test the variables." <English>

McGuire's smile becomes more sinister. He's not moving, pointing to the shorter of the two money hungry professionals. He does ask Wendy, "Lost shipment with a very special product in it. Care to relay what might be?" He looks to Rojo, "We're here, and I wont let this..." Putting his fingers in quotations, "...accedent happen to us. Wendy is right, we wont know unless we ask them..." Turning back to the two in question and crosses his arms again over his chest. "...Nicely." <English>

The little doctor that could just thumbs the syringe a bit and somewhere during all of this she's pulled on gloves as she points at an Executive. Who has tears in her eyes as she slowly rolls up her sleeves and exposes her arm. "Miss Gregori, I am afraid we no longer require your services." Both of the ladies start protesting almost hysterically. To Kyoshiro. "Your blood was...probably...put to good use. I'm sure." To McGuire. "Ask them?" She is stabbing the syringe into the woman's arm and slowly injecting her. Miss Lancaster flails a bit and gives a little scream, covering her face.

Doctor Rojo speaks up. "WHAT are you..." She looks between McGuire and Kyoshiro. "My mom would be SO ashamed of you both!" She mutters, rushing forward to catch Grigori as she starts to fall.

...and for those with keen ears, beyond the walls of this special room, there's the faint sound of thuds and screams and squelchy noises. Lots of screams.

Grigori is bleeding from her ears and her nostrils and her eyeballs, and she starts convulsing violently as Wendy watches curiously. "This might be the sign of accelerated brain deca-oh! Shipment. Drugs of course, medication. Recalled medication. It was stolen off a transport." Miss Grigori starts bleeding from her pores, her dark blue scrubs slowly darkening. Wendy seems to be timing it, looking at a digital time recorder from time to time. Miss Lancaster has fainted. <English>

Kyoshiro cares less about what's going on with what's in front of him and the Doctors accusation of their lack of morality. HE didn't understand what he expected them to do about all this. They had no weapons and if what Wendy said was true these men, the three of them here, had seen more shit that they cared to talk about and didn't live a black and white life. "You hear that?" <Romani>

McGuire says, "I can't ask now." One is dying, the other fainted. He looks to Wendy and says, "Not much of a cure, is it. Or do you have the cure and are going to administer it now?" He seems strait forward, even though he is a bit unnerved which he keeps to himself, "Do you know what quadrent the shipment was taken from? Planet or space?" <English>

McGuire adds, to Rojo, "They were going to do this to us. Understand?" He can't be any more plan about it. <English>

Zank comes from the wall. He steps up just as the syringe is raised and was about to speak as the needle hits the women arms. He closes his eyes a second and sighs. He looks to Rojo and shakes his head. <English>

McGuire does notice the sound and doesn't like what he's hearing, "Blue Hands." <English>

Zank comes from the wall. He steps up just as the syringe is raised and was about to speak as the needle hits the women arms. He closes his eyes a second and sighs. He looks to Rojo and shakes his head. He hears the sound and then moves to the door listening. "Lady... unless ya plan on double crossin us to ya got a whole mess goin on outside this door...an we need to leave." he says "now" <English>

Out there, beyond that door...in those window walled rooms, all those techs in blue are laying on the floor or slumped over equipment, bleeding from different orafices. A good 40 or so people dead or slowly dying.

Meanwhile in this room, Wendy hmms softly as she looks down to the women. "Its their fault that the batch of tainted product was sent out and had to be recalled in the first place. That shipment was never supposed to leave this facility." She shrugs and carefully steps over the body, closing the chest.

Doctor Rojo is slowly slipping from behind/underneath the bloody dying woman and watching in horror. She just looks at McGuire and shakes her head slowly and then looks over to Kyoshiro and finally over to Zank and then bows her head.

"Do not look so glum Doctor Rojo. You will leave here with the information that you need, you will find who stole my shipment and then your Justice will be served, however you see fit." Wendy gives a nod and moves towards the door. "I'll send all the details to the good doctor Mister McGuire." She looks back to her time device even as Zank speaks. "Don't worry about all that, the cleaners will see to it." She pauses and looks from person to person. "Its safe now. You should probably leave now. Thankfully they are not connected to the same ventilation system as this one. It really is horrible when a lab accident like this happens...such a risky business." She smiles kindly and moves towards the door. "I will always keep you all safe. After all, we're friends now right?" She pushes the button for the automatic doors to open to reveal what is now a hallway with windows to horror lining it. <English>

Kyoshiro turns towards the door as it opens and raises an eyebrow. "Huh... Macabre... Perhaps a little Abstract." He walks outside into the hallways and inspects it closer, getting right up against one of the windows, "Oh but this one really speaks volumes..." He keeps moving and shakes his head. "People say I'm insaine and one of my stipulations is to take a mental test... I mean really? I'm a teddy bear." He sighs finding his way out. <English>

McGuire takes Rojo in his arm around her shoulders and guides her through the corridors to the lockers where their close are. "Dress quick and I'll get a taxi." His outfit is the jumpsuit and shoes so he is quick to get her out of there. He would want to take her to the Jia. <English>

Zank just stand there a second in shock. He doesn't say a word until they are dressed and leavening "I'm gonna have night mares about her" he says. "Willow was wrong...this place is just wrong." <English>

"This is what Socialism and Altruism get you..." Kyoshiro says as he puts his cloths back on, making sure 'everything' is properly in place. "Though I'm slightly concerned about her comment reguarding the eye color of my clans." He pauses, "We track down the stolen shipment maybe we find the guy who wrote that letter." <English>

Rojo doesn't tremble but she just is pale and doesn't speak, at all. JUst quietly follows, and dresses. She'd go to the Jia. But she's just quiet. ITs been a long day. <English>

McGuire says in Zank's direction, "Coming from the man who stays up late playing Into The Black killing Reavers and losing." <English>

Zank narrows his eyes and looks at Fao and just shakes his head. He's not in a joking mood. <English>