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Francoise Ariadne Rousseau
Francoise Ariadne Rousseau
Full name Francoise Ariadne Rousseau
Date of Birth December 1, 2515
Birthplace Bernadette
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Spouse None
Assignment Staying Alive
Specialization Survival
Gender female
Eyes and Hair Blue and Brown
Status active
Employment History


Personal Notes

Her eyes change colors depending on her mood.

This is OOC Information - Please do not use it if you do not know about ICly.

Background - Pre-PC

Frankie only really remembers three years of her life, living day to day, meal to meal. She made it a point to avoid people unless she had to, hiding her 'deformity' that was her artificial limbs under heavy clothing and learning through experience to do low level repairs on her own. She was lost, and without guide but refused to go to any of the larger charities, paranoid that someone was lying in wait to get her. She didn't understand why, but she was convinced that large businesses housed hidden evils that just wanted to hurt her, and with no one to encourage her and a very limited understanding of English and Chinese the girl was not much able to ask about them anyways.

But somehow, she managed to get by without sinking into despair by just focusing on that one thing in her mind. 'Survive'. It became a driving force. But underneath it all was something else. 'The Rat' is what she came to know it as, the subdued personality that still remembered, still knew 'how to do things'. It came out in times of great fear, it kept the girl alive when she was assaulted for her food or the few possessions she could muster. The Rat stirred within the cage that was her subconscious, tormented by the nightmares of her past any time sleep found her while Frankie enjoyed the lucid world, only faintly aware something was deeply wrong underneath the surface.



  • (December 1) Birth on Bernadette


  • (December 9) Found by Kallahan and Cody, introduced to Salin.
  • (December 10) First public appearance of The Rat from the fear induced by meeting a Doctor.
  • (December 12) After a 'stern talking to' by Axel, Frankie runs from the RA Compound and out onto her own again on Paquin.
  • (December 17) The Rat has its first civil conversation during a prolonged period of 'freedom'.
  • (January 11) The Rat discovers a mysterious bunker, a firefight ensues resulting in her being shot in the shoulder.
  • (January 12) Arrested under suspicion of murder.


  • (March 19) The being that was Francoise is reborn as Anhara Nataliya Fitz-Carmichael
  • (July 5) Anhara enters full recovery after nearly two months of pre-surgical preparations and half a month of intense physical recovery before being declared fit for training.

Meaningful Quotes without Context

The walk in the hallway in many ways could be called beautiful. A moment trapped by the time warriors experience when connecting with one another.

Random Facts

  • Her eyes shift color, literally, depending on her state of emotions and surroundings.
  • She has a cybernetic arm and leg.
  • She hadn't had a bath in at least a year when found by Kallahan and Cody.
  • Has what appears to be a secondary defensive personality.
  • Was origionally born Anaise Duchon

Theme Songs

Save Me - Pain Same Old Song - Pain

Breath - Breaking Benjamin

Photo Album