File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
03:23, 27 November 2009 RhysInTheOldDays.jpg (file) 4 KB Rhys Jones, on the sidelines of the Eavesdown Comprehensive School's....some kinda athletic something. 1
10:03, 30 October 2009 DefenYinFierceGentle3.jpg (file) 4 KB Yu Defen Yin, former paternal aunt by marriage to Iorwerth Sion Jones and Rhonwen O'Neil. 1
09:50, 30 October 2009 OwainJustAMoment3.jpg (file) 12 KB Owain Gryffudd Jones, paternal uncle of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
09:47, 30 October 2009 DefenYinFierceGentle2.jpg (file) 6 KB Yu Defen Yin, former paternal aunt by marriage to Iorwerth Sion Jones and Rhonwen O'Neil. 1
04:08, 30 October 2009 SalomeLookingBack.jpg (file) 61 KB Salome Grant Jones, paternal aunt by marriage to Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
02:59, 30 October 2009 LlewHardDaysNight.jpg (file) 19 KB Llew Morgan, married to Gwyneth Alys Jones Morgan, uncle by marriage to Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
00:26, 30 October 2009 DefenYinFierceGentle.jpg (file) 12 KB Yu Defen Yinn, ex-wife of Iorwerth Gryffudd Jones, former aunt of Iorwerth Sion Jones and Rhonwen O'Neil. 1
22:39, 29 October 2009 LeilaSpunkyHot.jpg (file) 3 KB Leila bint Azim, long time girlfriend of Glynis Sioned Jones. 1
05:20, 29 October 2009 SeranFuzzyWuzzyMorning.jpg (file) 6 KB Seran Myfanwy Jones, paternal aunt of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
04:55, 29 October 2009 GlynisLookingInnocent.jpg (file) 12 KB Glynis Sioned Jones, twin sister of Gwyneth, paternal aunt of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
04:54, 29 October 2009 GwynSoftlyMorningDawns.jpg (file) 27 KB Gwyneth Alys Jones, twin sister of Glynis, paternal aunt of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
04:52, 29 October 2009 OwainJustAMoment2.jpg (file) 15 KB Owain Gryffudd Jones, paternal uncle of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
04:46, 29 October 2009 OwainJustAMoment.jpg (file) 51 KB Owain Gryffudd Jones, paternal uncle of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
03:10, 29 October 2009 UncleIorMorningCupper.jpg (file) 48 KB (Uncle) Iorwerth Gryffudd Jones, paternal uncle of Iorwerth Sion and Rhonwen. 1
02:23, 29 October 2009 WenonahCandid.jpg (file) 59 KB Wenonah Parker Jones, mother of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
02:23, 29 October 2009 HywelInBlue.jpg (file) 7 KB Hywel Gryffudd Jones, father of Iorwerth and Rhonwen. 1
20:09, 11 October 2009 JRM-Sunlit.jpg (file) 13 KB Looking forward to a bright future. 1
20:09, 11 October 2009 JRM-CalculatingDeath.jpg (file) 17 KB Calculating the difference between life and death. 1
20:07, 11 October 2009 JRM-ReadingByMoonlight.jpg (file) 13 KB Insomniacs get more done at night. 1
20:06, 11 October 2009 JRM-OhSoAmused.jpg (file) 15 KB Even Eeyore has a sense of humor. 1
04:04, 29 June 2009 IV-OffDuty.jpg (file) 24 KB A quiet moment about to be ruined by the ugliness human kind does to itself. 1
04:45, 16 June 2009 JRM-InTheAssemblyHall.jpg (file) 10 KB At Osiris Medacad, picking out a good spot to listen to a lecture. 1
04:44, 16 June 2009 JRM-CleanestCellEver.jpg (file) 44 KB Alton River POW camp. 1
04:43, 16 June 2009 JRM-LongHairYouthWaiting.jpg (file) 27 KB Waiting on the roommate to get off work for the night in the college days. 1
04:42, 16 June 2009 JRM-TroubledYouth2.jpg (file) 6 KB Young, tough days in Persephone's Eavesdown Slums. 1
01:38, 12 June 2009 MunroClanBadge.jpg (file) 25 KB Munro Clan Badge 1
01:35, 12 June 2009 MunroTartanWeathered.jpg (file) 28 KB Munro Clan Tartan - Weathered. 1
03:52, 10 June 2009 JRM-OldGoatWithGoat.jpg (file) 17 KB Yes, his mother was mostly Cherokee, can you tell? 1
03:50, 10 June 2009 JRM-VendDamnYou.jpg (file) 14 KB Even Doctors get that midnight craving for crap-foods. 1
06:49, 10 November 2008 OutInTheWorld.jpg (file) 57 KB   1
06:33, 10 November 2008 VeryNice.jpg (file) 24 KB   1
06:24, 10 November 2008 BigSmile.jpg (file) 22 KB   1
05:00, 29 October 2008 CanYouFuckinBelieveThis.jpg (file) 10 KB   1
04:59, 29 October 2008 Smirky.jpg (file) 4 KB   1
04:59, 29 October 2008 WFTMate.jpg (file) 8 KB   1
02:33, 18 October 2008 ThreeQuartersPortrait.jpg (file) 49 KB   1
06:33, 14 October 2008 JRM-GimmeThatLook.jpg (file) 19 KB   1
06:32, 14 October 2008 JRM-NowListenHere.jpg (file) 48 KB   1
06:23, 14 October 2008 JRM-BeenThroughTheWars1.jpg (file) 23 KB   1
06:21, 14 October 2008 JRM-BeenThroughTheWars1.JPG (file) 23 KB   1
06:16, 14 October 2008 JRM-BeenThroughTheWars1.2.JPG (file) 23 KB   2
06:11, 14 October 2008 JRM-AtBreakfast.jpg (file) 11 KB   1
06:01, 14 October 2008 JRM-LookingCuteAndInnocent.jpg (file) 7 KB   1
06:01, 14 October 2008 JRM-BehindTheMusic.jpg (file) 60 KB   1
18:09, 13 October 2008 DeepInThoughtYouKnow.jpg (file) 11 KB   1